Chapter 21

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The picture is Elena's new look

Elena's point of view

Dear Diary,

I'm back yay sorry I haven't written in you for a while I been really busy. I bet your wondering what happen on the hiking trip with Damon that happen a few days ago well I'll tell you but in flash back form since I have an excellent memory and remember EVERYTHING that happen that day so get ready for my awesomeness hehehehehe.....................................

Flash Back

I walked down the stairs and into the kitchen to see Damon cooking and yes Damon can cook shocking right. Anyway I walked into the kitchen sat at the bar, put my chin on my hands and sat there watching Damon cook. Without looking up Damon said "Are you just gonna watch me like a creepy stalker?''. "I'm not the one that watches you sleep at night.'' I said in a matter of fact tone. "For one I don't sleep and two I don't watch you sleep.'' said Damon. I rolled my eyes and said "Sure you don't I'm just imagining you standing by my bed, petting my cheek with the back of your hand. Yep I'm THAT crazy.''. "Oh see now your getting it.'' Damon said with a smirk. I rolled my eyes, jumped of the chair, walked behind the counter and said "Whatcha cookin.''. "Food.'' said Damon. "Duh I know that you idiot.'' I said. "Then why did you ask.'' said Damon. I sighed and said "Never mind.''. I went to reach for something when Damon smacked my hand away so I hit him back but before I could he grabbed my wrist and said "No.''. I rolled my eyes and said "I'm not a dog you know.''. "Yeah I know a dog would be easier to put up with.'' mumbled Damon but I still heard him. I bet your wondering if me and Damon don't like each other the truth is we ALWAYS argue like this. Garrett said we argue like an old married couple which I DON'T believe. The truth is I like Damon like, like, like I mean. I was snapped out of my thoughts when Damon said "So you ready?''. I nodded and said "Uh let me go put on my shoes.''. Damon nodded. I ran back up stairs and grabbed my hiking boots. I laced them up then I grabbed my back pack and ran back down stairs. Then we left.

Me and Damon been hiking for about a couple miles and Damon's been showing the scenery. I got to admit it's beautiful. "How much further?'' I asked. Damon wants to show me something but he won't tell what it is he said it's a surprise. Damon smirked and said "Why are you tired?''. "Yes I'm tired we've been walking UPHILL for miles and it's almost dark and you won't tell me what your taking me to see. For all I know it could be my death.'' I said dramatically. Damon laughed and said "We're almost there.''. I walked past him mumbling "If I die it's on you mister and I will haunt you.''. Damon laughed. Damon walked up some rocks with ease when he got to the top he held out his hand and I hesitantly took it. And when I touched him it sent butterflies through my stomach. How do you get butterflies in your stomach what is their a town of butterflies in my stomach? When Damon helped me to the top I gasped at what I saw. It was the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. "Its beautiful.'' I said in awe. "I've seen better.'' said Damon. I looked at him confused. "You. You're the most beautiful thing I've ever seen.'' Damon said looking at me. I blushed and looked down. Damon put his hand under my chin and made me look up at him then he said "Don't hide your cute when you blush.''. This made me blush more. "I um wanted to ask you um....something.'' Damon said nervously. Wow I've never seen him nervous. "Go on.'' I said. "Would you like to be my girlfriend.'' asked Damon. I rubbed my chin and said "Nah.''. Damon raised an eye brow and said "Nah. Why Nah?''. "Because if someone asks me to be their girlfriend I want to be able to look back and remember it. Now if you excuse me I'm going to go for a swim.'' I said. I turned around and began to walk away but before I could someone grabbed my wrist, spined me around and held my hands in theirs. I giggled when I saw Damon on one knee holding my hands in his. I burst out laughing when he said "Elena Rose Cullen would you do me the great honor of being my girlfriend.''. "Smart ass.'' I mumbled which made Damon laugh. I smiled and nodded. Damon jumped up, picked me, spined me around while kissing me. And that was how I started dating Damon Salvatore.

End of flash back


Elena Rose

I closed my diary and smiled. Right now I'm sitting on Damon's lap while he watches me write. I smiled and leaned back into his chest. This is the happiest I've been in a REALLY long time. I really.......I didn't even get to finish my thought before I shot up, speed into the bath room and threw up in the toilet. I opened my eyes when I was done I saw I was throwing up blood. I felt someone rub my back and say "Come on lets go get you up to bed.''. I looked up at Damon and said "I'm fine.''. "No you aren't this is the third time you threw up today.'' said Damon before he picked me up bridal style and carried me up stairs to my room. Once he lied me down I fell right asleep.

Damon's point of view

I just lied Elena down in her bed and now I'm walking down stairs. "She throw up again?'' asked Carmen. I nodded and said "Yeah but this time it was blood.''. "At least she's sleeping.''. "Yeah but I just wished I knew what was wrong with her.'' I said. "You know I might know what's wrong but your now going to like it Damon.'' said Eleazar. "I don't care long as I figure out why she's sick and she feels better. I don't like seeing her like this.'' I said. Eleazar sighed and said "Many years ago Carmen and I got in a fight and I left for a while.'' I interrupted him and said "What's your point.''. "My point is since Carmen and I are mates and when mates are away from each other or one is denying the other. The one that is away or is getting denied gets really sick......'' said Eleazar. "And since Elena's away from her mate she's getting sick.'' I finished for him. I looked back to the direction where I heard Elena's slow and steady breathing and sighed. How am I going to tell the girl I love that she has to leave to the guy that broke her heart?

Elena's point of view

My eyes fluttered open when the sun came in through the window and touched my face. When my eyes adjusted to my surroundings I saw Damon in my room staring out the window. I slowly sat up and said "You ok?''. " need to go home.'' Damon said still looking out the window. "What? Why?'' I said. "Your family I bet they really miss you.'' Damon said still looking out the window. I quickly got out of bed, ran over to Damon, made him look at me then I said "I'm not leaving you.''. "You have too.'' said Damon. "No I don't have to do anything. This isn't some sappy romance movie where the guy says the girl has to leave for her ''safety'' but really it puts her in more danger.''. I said. "Your leaving.'' Damon said as he walked towards my bedroom door. Before he could leave I said "Come with me then......please.''.

Edward's point of view

I was sitting in my room replaying everyone's flash back of their favorite memory of Elena. I still remember the first day I saw Elena..............

Flash Back

I pulled up to the house after coming back from hunting. I got out of my car, walked through the front door and up the stairs. I saw everyone with a smile on their face and Emmett looking down at something in his arms but I couldn't see what it was. "What's going on?'' I asked. "He sound's like bells.'' I heard someone think. "Esme found a baby in the woods someone left her you want to see her.'' said Alice excitedly. I shook my head and said "I'm good.''. I turned around and before I could walk away Alice said "Oh come on Edward I swear to you you'll fall in love soon as you see her.''. I sighed knowing I wasn't going to win this argument. I slowly walked over to Emmett who was holding the baby. I was just staring at her when I slowly brought his hand to her face and touched her cheek. We were both looking into each other eyes when the baby smiled and grabbed my finger with her small hand. I smiled and that's when I feel in love.

End of Flash back

I smiled at the memory. I was beginning to think but my thoughts were interrupted by a squeal coming from down stairs. I got up, speed down stairs, and outside. I saw a face that made my undead heart swell..........Elena. Elena looked up at me and said "Hello Edward.''. I gave her a small smile. "Emmett! I got a surprise for you!'' yelled Elena. Emmett speeded out of the house and when he saw Elena he speeded over and hugged her. When Emmett let go of her she ran back to the car that was parked on the road. She came back with a guy who had jet black hair an blue eyes. "Damon?'' asked Emmett in shock. "Hey Emmett.'' said ''Damon''. They both bro hugged then Rosalie said "Elena who's your friend?''. Elena looked at Damon who had his arm around her waist and she said "Family this is boyfriend.''. I swear my heart shattered but that's not what hurt most. What hurt most was when Elena looked into Damon's eyes and I saw something I never wanted to see her looking at someone else like that. That look was


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