Carlisle's point of view (chapter 14)

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Hey guys I just wanted to tell you these next chapter's that say someone's name for the chapter name are that person's point of view. Someone from another website where I post my stories commented and asked if I could write the Cullen's point of view about how they feel about Elena leaving so that's what I'm yeah hope you guys still like it....

It's been two weeks since Elena left and since anyone seen her. I miss her terribly howcould I not she's my baby girl. The one thing I have missed the most was ALWAYS telling Elena not to run down the stairs. I still remember the day that Elena fell down the stairs and broke her leg and we had to take her the hospital. It was a day like this........

Flash Back

I was sitting in my office at home working on some paper work when someone knocked on the door. Without looking up I said "Come in.''. The door opened up and I heard little footsteps and I instantly knew who it was so I said "Hello Elena.''. "Hi daddy.'' said six year old Elena. "What do you need Elena?'' I asked not looking up from my work. "Mommy said you would take me hunting.'' said Elena. When Esme found Elena she was half human, half vampire meaning one of her parents was a vampire was human and one was a vampire. So since she's half vampire she still needs blood. Esme usually use to mix it with the milk in the bottle we gave her but now Elena's too big for a bottle. "Have Edward take you.'' I said still not looking up. "Eddy's busy.'' said Elena. Crap if Edward says he busy he must be busy he NEVER misses a chance to be with Elena. I was about to say later but that was until I looked up and saw Elena's eyes and they were pitch black. I sighed and said "Fine go upstairs and put on a coat then we'll go.''. Elena smiled, nodded her head then rushed out of the room. I stood up when I heard the sound of Elena foot steps going up the stairs. I was gathering up my papers when I heard a loud thump then Elena scream. I didn't hesitate to speed out of the office and to where I saw Elena on the ground crying, and holding her leg. I knelt down next to her and saw her leg starting to swell and bruise. (Hey sorry if I'm wrong about how it looks and what happens when you break your leg. I never broken my leg before but I have broken my finger and I'm pretty sure that's nothing like breaking your leg again sorry just bare with me.) I barely put my hand on it when Elena cried out of pain. "Elena I'm going to pick you up so I can take you to the hospital I don't have the right equipment here. I want you to tell me if I accidently hurt you or you feel pain.'' I said. Elena nodded with tears still streaming down her face. Elena winced when I slowly picked her up bridal style. I speeded to my car and laid her down on the back seat. Then I got in and drove to the hospital.

When we got to the emergency I used a little faster than human speed to get a wheel chair for Elena. I helped her on then wheeled her inside. One of the nurses came over and helped Elena to a room. I was going to go help examine Elena's leg but stopped when Abigail one of the nurses came over to me and said "I know you want to help her Doctor Cullen but since your one of Elena's guardian's that against regulation. But you can have one of your family member's go in there while they ex ray her leg she's freaking out so they can probably calm her down.''. I must of looked confused when she said one of my family members because she smiled and pointed behind me before walking away. I turned around to see Alice, Esme, Edward and Jasper. They rushed to me and Alice said "I saw what happen. Is Elena ok?''. "I don't know her leg is getting ex rayed now they wouldn't let me go with her.'' I said. I glanced at Edward to see him looking pained. Since Elena's Edward mate when Elena's really hurt Edward can feel her pain. "Edward she's going to be ok she probably just broke her leg.'' said Esme. "I hear...her......I hear......her crying...'' said Edward. "The nurse said one of use could go to the ex ray room to......'' I didn't even get to finish before Edward already started speed walking to where the ex ray room is.

We all walked into the room where Elena was. I saw Edward at the side of Elena's bed with one hand in a fist probably trying not to feel her pain that Elena's in and the other hand has Elena's small hand in his. Elena winced. "Does your leg hurt?'' asked Edward. Elena shook her head and said "No but if you keep gripping my hand like that you might break it.''. Just then doctor Wilson came in, walked over put Elena's ex ray up on the board. (Sorry I don't know what the light up thing they use to show you your ex ray is called) "Well Elena your leg is defiantly broken I'm going to have to cast it up. Can you sit up and you facing the side of the bed.'' said Doctor Wilson. Elena sniffled then nodded. Edward helped Elena sit up and face the side of the bed. The nurse gave Doctor Wilson the stuff she needed to cast up Elena's leg. When the doctor got the plaster on the doctor said "What color do you want me to wrap it in?''. Elena looked at the blue, black, green, purple, red and pink wraps then said "Pink please.''. The doctor smiled then wrapped Elena's leg up in a pink wrap. When the doctor was done she smiled then went to get Elena some crutches then told me I could sign Elena out. When I came back Elena was looking at her cast. I stood in the door way, crossed my arms and said "What have we learned about this Elena.''. Elena looked down and said "Not to run down the stairs.''. I smiled and said "Good now lets go home.''.

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