Chapter 5

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Dear Diary,

I am so exited tomorrow is the day I turn 17! Everyone in my family wants to throw me a party. YAY......Not. I told them I didn't want one but noooo they don't listen. You hear that Edward I don't want a part but are you guys listening noooo!

I put down my diary down when I felt my Iphone vibrate.

I picked it up and saw I got a text.(Elena texting- Bold, Edward Texting- Normal, Elena's Actions- Italic)

Oh suck it up

I hate you

Love u 2

I smirked when I got an idea.

If u love me so much then u'll tell me wat I'm gettin for my b-day

Oh then I hate you


I quit texting Edward after that. I then got up off my bed and put my diary on my shelf. I glanced in the mirror at my outfit.

I picked up my IPod off my bed side table, plugged in my head phones, and put on Other Side by Jason Derulo. I put my head phones in my ears and started to dance to the music. I swayed my hips to the beat. I felt one of the head phones being ripped out of my ear and a familiar voice yell "ELENA!''. I turn around to see Rebecca. "YOU DON'T HAVE TO YELL I'M RIGHT HERE!'' I yelled back. "YEAH BUT YOU WEREN'T LISTENING!'' Rebecca yelled. I held my head and said "Can we stop yelling?''. "YEAH.....I mean yeah so why are you dancing?'' said Rebecca. I crossed my arms and said "Why shouldn't I be dancing?''. Rebecca laughed and said "Good point.''. "Now if you excuse me I have to go to The Other Side.'' I said before I restarted the song, and put the head phones back in my ear. I walked out of the room, and down the stairs while swaying my hips. I looked at Edward who was sitting on the couch with a book in his hands he was just looking at me smiling. "What are you doing?'' Edward mouthed. "Having fun.'' I mouthed back before spinning and swaying my hips again. I could of sworn I heard Edward chuckle and I could feel his eyes on me. When the song was over I put on I put on Just a Dream by Nelly. I swayed my hips and danced around the room.

Edward's point of view

I watched as Elena danced around the room listening to music. Rebecca came down the stairs pointed to Elena with her thumb and said "What she doing?''. I shrugged my shoulder and said "She said she was having fun. She looks happy that's all that matters.''. Rebecca smiled and said "You really love her don't you?''. "Shhh she could hear you.'' I said. "She can't hear us watch.'' Rebecca turned to Elena "Elena I broke your heals.''. Elena didn't do anything she still just smiled and swayed her hips while her eyes were closed. "See. So why don't you tell her.'' said Rebecca. "I'm afraid that if she doesn't feel her the same way it will ruin everything.'' I said truthfully. "Well she does feel the same way but you better tell her before it's too late.'' said Rebecca.

Elena's point of view the next day

I was asleep well trying to sleep Alice was shaking me saying "Wake up Elena.''. I turned on my side, put the pillow over my head and said "Noooo five more minutes.''. I didn't hear anything else so I happily sighed. Next thing I knew I was soaking wet so I shot up and yelled "ALICE!''. Alice gave me a innocent smile and said "Oh good your up now get ready.''. Alice speeded out of my room before I could yell at her. I fell back on my pillows and groaned. "I DON'T HEAR YOU GETTING READY!'' yelled Alice. I sat up, swung my legs over the side of my bed and said "Stupid vampire hearing.''. "HEARD THAT!'' yelled Alice. "YOU WERE MEANT TOO!'' I yelled back. I got up and grabbed some clothes, went in my bathroom and took a shower. When I came out of the

I ran down the stairs but when I got to the bottom step a familiar pair of arms threw me over their shoulder. "Really Edward Really?'' I said with my arms crossed. "Really Elena.'' Edward said with me still over his shoulder. Emmett ran into the room and said "Oh are we playing Elena catch?''. "Yep.'' said Edward. Next thing I knew I was in Emmett's arms. "Rosalie, Rebecca help me.'' I said when they walked in the room. Their response was them laughing. "Traitors.'' I whispered/yelled. They both laughed again. In a second I was Edward's arms. "You guys put Elena down.'' dad said (If you forgot who was the dad it's Carlisle and Esme's mom just to remind you). "Tha....'' before I could finish dad interrupted me and said "Play outside if your going to play Elena catch.''. Edward and Emmett started to go outside with me still in Edward's arms they stopped when mom came in and said "Carlisle your honestly going to let them platy catch with Elena as the ball.......again.''. Dad sighed and said "She's right put Elena down.''. Edward sighed and put me down. I ran into mom, hugged her and said "Thank you mommy.''. "No problem sweetie.'' Mom said as she hugged me. "Wouldn't want me getting hurt on my birthday.'' I said. "Was that today....must of forgot.'' asked Emmett. "Seriously guys you couldn't of forgot with Alice.'' I said as I pointed to Alice with my thumb as she came in the room. Everyone mumbled "Good point.''. I smiled in victory.

After an hour and half of presents mostly from Alice it was about seven 'o' clock. "I'm going up to my room.'' I said. "Wait come with me.'' said Edward. I didn't even have time to answer he already pulled me into the garage. He flipped on the light switch and said "Happy Birthday.''. I gasped when I saw a new mustang that was silver and pink in the garage.

"Is this...mine?'' I asked in shock. "Yep and to let you know it was my idea to get you a car.'' said Edward. I hugged Edward, kissed him on the cheek and said "Thank you.''.

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