Chapter 7

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Still Lunch Bella's point of view

Suddenly 'Edward' looked over, as if he heard Jessica from across the room.
His eyes meet mine but he seems........confused. I quickly looked away. "He's
totally gorgeous, obviously. But apparently, no one here is good enough for him
except that 'Elena' girl. But I could care less......anyway, don't waist your time.''
said Jessica. "Wasn't planning on it.'' I said.

Still lunch Elena's point of view

I watched Edward was he and Bella stared at each other. I couldn't help but feel
jealous. When I couldn't take it any more I stood up and walked away.

It's Biology now and we were looking in microscopes. I'm sitting next to
Rebecca lucky for me who is in the class and Edward's sitting next to Bella.
Out of the corner of my eye I could see Edward covering up his nose
like Bella smelt badly or something. When I realized he wasn't playing I sighed
before 'accidently' falling back in my chair pretending to faint. Everyone rushed
by me and I heard things like ''is she ok?'', "What happen?'', "Probably the
school food that made her faint.''. I did my best not to laugh at the last
one. "Someone take her to the nurse.'' said Mr. Banner. I heard Edward
quickly say "I'll do it.'' before picking me up bridal style and carrying me
out of the classroom. "Thank you.'' said Edward as he carried me down
the hallway. "Yeah. Yeah I know I'm the best.'' I said. Edward chuckled.
"Please say were not really going to the nurse.'' I said. Edward laughed
and said "Oh we really should were you can get back to class since you
absolutely love school.''. "Hey I didn't "accidently'' all backwards to get
you out of class just where you can go to class.'' I said. "I'm messing'
with you I couldn't bare to go back there.'' Edward said as he opened
my car door with one hand while the other still held me. "Oooo someone
doesn't like Miss Isabella Swan.'' I said as Edward set me in the
passenger seat. Edward shut the door then he got in the driver seat
and said "It's not that it just her smell.''. I hit Edward's shoulder and
said "Rude Edward you never make fun of a girl's smell no matter how
bad she smells.''. Edward laughed and said "No. No her blood
smell.''. "What's wrong with it?'' I asked. "It smells better than any
other blood I've ever come across, the smells.....addicting.'' explained
Edward. "Oh.....Hey are we going to get in trouble for ditching school?''
I asked. "Probably.'' said Edward as he drove down the road. "Oh.'' I said
while slowly nodding my head. "Do you care if we get in trouble?'' asked
Edward. "Not really.'' I said as I put my hands behind my head and leaning
back in my seat.

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