Chapter 11

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Rosalie's point of view

I watched as Elena ran out of the house only leaving the smell of her blood. I turned my head slowly looking at Edward. I smiled sweetly and said "Edward.....can I talk to you outside for a moment.''. " I'm good.'' said Edward. He knows I'm gonna kill him. I walked over, grabbed Edward by the ear and pulled him outside. Then when we were outside I threw him into a tree. "HOW COULD YOU EDWARD! BELLA'S NOT EVEN YOUR MATE AND DO YOU KNOW WHO IS ELENA E-L-E-N-A NOT BELLA ELENA!!!!'' I yelled. "Did you see what she was doing to Bella she kind of deserved it.'' said Edward. "She deserved it......SHE DESERVED IT!!!'' I yelled. "Now that I say it out loud it kind of sounds a little crazy.'' said Edward. "Oh you think. Yeah she deserved for you to say why should she be with us just because her real parents didn't want her. And let's not forget that YOU THREW HER INTO THE CHINA TABLE AND HER ARM WAS BLEEDING!! DO YOU NOT SMELL THAT EDWARD THAT'S HER BLOOD! ELENA'S YOUR MATE'S BLOOD!'' I yelled. Edward stayed quiet. "Oh got nothing to say....'' I speeded over to Edward and said "I'm going to make you pay.'' I snapped his neck "And that's just the beginning.''. I brushed off my hands and turned around to see a very shocked Isabella and she stuttered "Y-you k-killed h-him.''. "Oh grow up he's fine....well he will be in a few hours. So where'd the family go?''. "T-they w-went t-to g-go f-find E-Elena.'' stuttered Bella. "Well I'm going to go find them, you can go find your own way home.'' I said before speeding away. Jasper, Carlisle, and Emmett speeded over and Jasper said "Ugh she couldn't of diapered like that.''. "We'll keep looking.'' said Emmett. Esme, Alice, and Rebecca speeded over and Carlisle said "Any sign of her?''. "Nothing.'' said Esme. Alice looked at me and said "So what happen with Edward?''. "Killed him by snapping his neck.'' I said simply. "Hmmm I would've thought you've done worse.'' said Rebecca. "I'm not done though.'' I said. Rebecca patted my back and said "Good girl.''. "I'll call the pack see if there is any sign of her on their side.....until then keep looking'' said Carlisle. We all split up and went looking for Elena. I hope she's ok if she's not Edward not going to see morning light.

Elena's point of view

I was sitting on the forest floor on the other side of treaty line after crawling to get here. I jumped a little when I felt something touch my arm. I turned my body a little only to see a giant familiar black wolf. "Sam?'' I asked unsure. He nodded his head, and looked at my arm that was bleeding. "Long story.'' I said. I could tell he was trying to tell me something but I didn't know what so I said "Uh Sam can you change back I don't speak wolf.''. The wolf or Sam nodded his head then disappeared. When he came back he was in human form. Sam walked over, knelt down next to me and said "So are you going to tell me what happen?''. "It's nothing, I'm fine.'' I said. Sam chuckled and said "Your just as stubborn as the first time I met you.''.

Flash Back 3rd person point of view

14 year old Elena ran as fast as she could from 13 year old Jacob who was chasing her around the forest. "Elena wait up this isn't fair your too fast.'' said Jacob as he chased Elena. Elena laughed and said "It's not my fault your slow.''. Right after Elena said that she tripped and started tumbling down a little hill. She came to a stop when she hit a tree. "Elena are you ok?'' Jacob said in panic when he caught up to were she fell. Elena sat up, held her ankle and said "I'm fine.''. "I'm going to go get help you stay......'' before Jacob could finish a guy who was only about 19 ran up and said "Jacob what happen.''. "She tripped, fell down that little hill and I think she might of hurt her ankle......'' before Jacob could finish Elena interrupted him and said "But I'm fine.''. "Oh if your fine then stand up.'' said the guy. Elena nodded then did her best to stand up without putting pressure on her ankle. When she got up she held on a tree and said "See I'm fine.''. "Let go of the tree and walk then.'' said the guy. Elena gulped, let go of the tree but she didn't even make it a step before she fell but Jacob barely caught her. "You were saying?'' said the guy. Elena rolled her eyes. The guy chuckled and said "By the way I'm Sam.''. Elena sighed and said "I'm Elena.''. "Come on lets get you to back to Billy's......May I.'' said Sam. Elena sighed before nodding; Sam then picked Elena up bridal style and carried her back to Billy's.

End of Flash back Elena's point of view

"I'm not stubborn.'' I said. Sam rolled his eyes and said "Sure now come on lets get you to a doctor.''. I thought for a moment before nodding my head. Sam picked me up bridal style then started walking. "I'm surprised you didn't even put up a fight.'' said Sam as he carried me. "What ever.'' I said. When we got to Sam's house Paul came running out and said "Whoa what happen.''. "She won't say just get her to the doctor.'' said Sam. Paul nodded before taking me out of Sam's arms and bringing me to his car.

Paul carried me through the hospital and to the administrations desk. Lydia a nurse at the hospital looked up from her paper and when she saw my arm she quickly got up, ran over and said "Elena what happen?''. Without hesitation I said "I tripped and fell on some broken glass and cut my arm real bad.''. "Come on lets go get you stitched up.'' said Lydia. She brought us to a room and said "Since Doctor Cullen isn't here today Doctor Williams will be in.''. I nodded and when she left Paul said "So you going to tell me what happen?''. "'' I said. "He what?'' said Paul as he started to shake. I put my hand on his arm and said "I'm fine Paul.''. "Your clearly not fine Elena.'' said Paul. "Calm down. How are we going to explain a giant wolf in the emergency room? What am I suppose to say the wolf needed a transplant or something.'' I said. Paul laughed a little and said "Your hurt and you can still make jokes, but I am impressed on how you lied to the nurse about how you hurt you arm you did it without hesitation.''. "Helps when you live in a house of vampires.'' I whispered to Paul. He laughed. Just then a lady came in and who I assumed was the doctor came in and stitched up my arm. When she was done I smiled and said thank you. When Paul and I walked by Lydia I said "Hey Lydia.''. She looked up at me and I said "Can you not tell Doctor Cullen about this I already hurt too many times and I don't want him worrying more than he already is.''. Lydia smiled and whispered "Of course sweet heart it will be our little secret.''. I smiled and said "Thanks Lydia.''. She smiled and we left.

When we got back to Sam's house Sam came out and said "Carlisle just called asking if there was any sign of you on our side of the treaty line.''. I sighed knowing Sam probably told that I was there. "I told him we haven't seen you.'' said Sam. "Why would you lie?'' I asked a little confused. "Paul called and told me how you got hurt.'' said Sam. I hit Paul with my good arm then I said "Why would you do that?''. "He was going to find out any way and Owww.'' said Paul as he rubbed his arm. "Any way.....I lied because I knew you would want to be away for awhile.'' said Sam. "Thank you.'' I said with a small smile. "Emily and I agreed that you could stay here for awhile.'' said Sam. "A-are you sure?'' I asked. "Yeah unless you want to stay with Paul.'' said Sam. Without hesitation I said "I'll stay with you guys.''. "Hey what's wrong with staying with me?'' asked Paul pretending to be fake hurt. "No offence Paul.'' I said. "Eh none taken.'' said Paul. I laughed then Emily came out and said "Come on in Elena I have some clothes for you to wear and I made you something to eat.''. I smiled and followed Emily inside. She handed me some clothes and I went and changed in the bathroom. When I came out of the bathroom I ate the food Emily made me and went to sleep in the spare bedroom.

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