Chapter 12

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A week later Elena's point of view

Dear Yellow Piece of Notepad Paper,

If your wondering why I'm writing on a notepad paper its because I don't have my diary because it's at home I mean with The Cullen's. And writing helps me think and get my feelings out when I can't express them. It's been a week since I've been staying with Sam and Emily and its good. Emily's really nice and she likes cooking for me and Sam wants to rip Edward's head off. I kind of want to know what Rosalie did to him.........Anyway I called the our cousins I mean the Denials and asked if I could stay up there......I told them what happen and they with hesitation agreed. Kate is exited to actually get to cook and everyone is exited to see me. I haven't seen them since I was 10. It was hard to get Sam to agree to let me go but finally he did so I'm leaving today......wish me luck.


Elena Rose Cullen

P.S. I really got to quit writing Cullen because Edward's was right sadly......bye

I got off the bed in the guest room that I have been staying in for the past week and started to finish putting all the winter clothes Emily bought me into the back pack Emily got me. And must I say I told her she didn't have to buy me but she didn't listen. She kept saying it's going to be cold where the Denials are. Hmm she reminds me of Alice when it comes to not taking no for answer for buying me clothes. Damn I miss......wait what am I doing ......... your missing I'm not......yes you why are you thinking about them huh......Oh shut up......I'm just thinking the truth ......Oh shut up I am certainly not having a mental argument with my self I'll sound crazy......oh you already are crazy ......I'm not going to win this argument know I'll always be here I'm your brain. "Ugh I have certainly gone crazy.'' I said to myself out loud. I put the last of my clothes in my back pack, swung the bag over my shoulder and walked out of the guest room and into the living room. "Cute outfit Elena I'm glad I forced you into getting it.'' said Emily as put food on the table. I looked down at my outfit and smiled then I said "Ok. Ok. You were right I admit it.''.I heard two dramatic gasps from behind me so I turned around to see Paul and Embry. "I thought I'd never see the day were Elena Rose admits she's wrong.'' said Paul dramatically. "I'm shocked...Am I dead and I'm imagining things?'' Embry also said dramatically. "Oh shut up you too.'' I turned to Emily "Remind me again why I put up with these two?'' I said. Emily laughed and shrugged. Paul walked over put his arm over my shoulder and said "It's because you know you secretly love us....well me anyway.''. I pushed off his arm, crossed my arms and said "Are you sure about that?''. Paul put his hand on his heart and while walking back wards he said "Elena that's hurts...I see the light....'' He fell back on to the couch and said "Elena always remember I've always''. I laughed then Emily said "Food's ready.''. Paul jumped off the couch after ''dying'' and said "FOOD!''. We all raise an eyebrow at him and he said "What I said I've always loved food it brought me back to life after Elena RUDLY killed me.''. I laughed then said "And people call me weird.''. "Oh you still are Elena so you ready to go.'' said Sam as he walked into the house. "But she has to eat.'' said Emily. I grabbed stole Embry's muffin, stuffed half of it in my mouth and Emily said "When I say eat I don't mean you stuff food in your mouth.''. I shrugged and finished chewing then Embry said "You stole MY muffin.''. I swallowed, rubbed my stomach and said "And it was good.''. Embry playfully glared at me then turned his back away from me and said "Humph.''. "Fine be that way....Come on Sam.'' I said as I started to walk toward the front door. Someone wrapped their arms around my waist, lifted me up in the air and said "Noooo I'm sorry stay please.''. "Embry put Elena down we have to go.'' said Sam. Embry sighed and put me down. I hugged and said goodbye to everyone then I grabbed my back pack, put it on and walked outside. "So Sam how are we getting to the Canadian (I think that's where the Denials are) border.'' I asked. I turned around to see Sam in wolf form. About five second later I realized how we were getting there so I said "No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. And did I mention NO I'm not getting there by wolf express.''. Sam gave me a look. Paul came out of the house "Sam said quit being stubborn and come on.''. "No like I said I'm not getting there by wolf express and what if I'm too heavy for you to carry Sam Canada is a long way away .'' I said with my arms crossed. "He said you may be tall but you light like a feather so get on.'' said Paul. I sighed and said "Fine.''. I stomped like a little kid over to wolf Sam and when I got by him I said "Are you sure.''. Sam nodded his head. As I got on Sam's back I said "You know I really hate you.''. I could see wolf Sam roll his eyes. Then we took off for the Canadian border.

When we got there I saw Kate and Garrett waiting there for us. Right when Sam came to a stop I jumped off his back and straight into Kate's open arms. "Elena look at you your gorges.'' said Kate. I blushed, smiled and said "Thank you Kate.''. And before I could Garrett he backed up and said "I'm not hugging you till you shower and change you smell like dog.''. I rolled my eyes then turned back to Sam, smiled and said "Thanks Sam I can take it from here.''. Sam nodded then left. "Even though your outfit it cute you do need a shower so you ready.'' said Kate. I nodded then Garret came over and picked me up bridal style and I said "Garrett what are you doing?''. "The house is 10 miles away and unless you want to run.....'' said Garret before I interrupted him and said "I'm good carry on.''. Kate and Garret laughed then we took off.We stopped at the most beautiful mountain log cabin ever.Garret set me down on my feet and I stared at the house in amazement then I said "And I thought the Cullen's house was nice.''. "I'm guessing you like.'' said Kate. I nodded. Garrett laughed then said "Wait till you see the inside.''. I followed Kate and Garret inside and I said "Wow.''.

Carmen and Eleazar came out, stopped in their tracks, pinched the bridge of their nose then Carmen said "Elena we would hug you but you smell like dog so...let me take you to your room so you can shower and change.''. I nodded then followed Carmen up the stairs. I followed her down the hall way and into a bedroom. "The bathroom is right through that door.'' said Carmen. I smiled and said thank you then she left the room. I pulled out some clothes then went into the bathroom and took a nice hot shower.

I came out of the bathroom, grabbed my boots, sat on the bed and put them on. When I was done I adjusted my black sweat shirt top then went down stairs. When Eleazar saw me he smiled, walked over to me hugged me and said "Now I'll hug you.''. I smiled hugged him back then I hugged Garret, Carmen, Irina, and Tanya who both came into the house. "Are you hungry Elena I bet your hungry.'' Kate said excitedly. Garret leaned towards me and said "Kate's been exited to actually cook for someone.''. "Oh and yes Kate I'm hungry.'' I said before Kate grabbed me and pulled me to the side of the house where the kitchen was. When she was done cooking she set a handed me a plate and I started to eat. "Hey why does it smell like dog in here and outside?'' said a unfamiliar guy voice. I turned around to see a guy with raven black hair and piercing blue eyes. The guy turned to me, smirked and said "Well hello who might you be?''. I swear this guy looks familiar.........but from where?

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