Chapter 25

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I got out of Alice's car with a huff knowing I had to go to school. I looked over to see Edward, Bella and..............Jake? I ran over to them, when I got over to them Edward, Bella and Jake turned their direction to me. A giant smile went across Jake's face when he pulled me into his arms and said "LENNY!". I glanced up over Jake's shoulder and saw Edward and Bella looking at us. Edward looked hurt and saw while Bella had the look of. ............jealousy pier through her brown eyes? I buried my face in Jake cause how warm he was and I was freezing. Jake chuckled at me before going serious by turning his attention to Bella and saying "Charlie said you left town. Why?". Bella who still had the look of jealousy in her eyes but instead of speaking Edward said "She went to go see her mother.". "You want to read my mind? Enjoy." Said Jacob. I looked up at Jake who looked like he was concentrating on something. I glanced at Edward who cringed ever few seconds while pain and sadness over took his eyes. Before I could say something Bella beat me to it and said "What are you doing?!". Jake smirked and said "Just taking a walk down memory lane."

"Jake what are you doing?" I asked. Jake looked down at me but before he could speak a growl erupted from Edward's mouth. Jake's smirk grew wider and he said "Oh fine fine I won't tell but I'm just hear to warn you if your kind comes on our land again-" Bella and i interrupted him and said at the exact same time "Wait? What?". "You didn't tell them?" Jake said realizing something. "Leave it alone Jacob." Edward growled. "Come on tell me. I want to know." Begged Bella. Edward looked like he was going to say no so I gave him the eyes he can't say no to and said "Please.". Edward sighed and said "There was a misunderstanding between Emmet and Paul. Nothing to worry about.". "Man! Listen to you! Slick. Did you lie to get Bella out of town. What about Elena how did you get her out of town?". "Leave now." Growled Edward. "They have a right to know. Bella is- correction Elena is the one the curly red head wants.". I cringed when a flashback came into mind that happened while I was still staying with Sam and Emily.

Flash Back
I was walking through the forest following a creek that ran throughout the woods. I jumped when I heard a drop from behind me. I turned around to see a women with firey curly red hair. She smirked when she saw me and she said "Ooo you are pretty.". "Who are you?" I asked. She smirked again and said "That's not important right now but for now I jusy had to meet you.". "Why? I'm not important." I said. The women laughed walked over to me, played with a strand of my brown hair while circling me then said "You. Ask a lot of questions. You know curiosity killed the cat." . "But satisfaction brought it back." I said. She laughed and said "Awe Sweetie your funny but too bad I have to kill you.". I felt my heart beat quicken which made her laugh and say "Not now but soon. Bye Elena.". Before she left she said a name "By the way the names ......"
Flash Back over

"Victoria." I said the name that made Edward cringe. Just then Edward and Bella started arguing. I saw Jake walk away but before I could run after him Bella ran past me and said "Jake wait I'm coming with you!". I expected Edward to argue with her but instead he just let her get on Jake's motorcycle. "Jacob Black you just wait!" I said before Jacob could ride off. "How dare you leave with Bella and not your best friend who you havent seen in weeks-" before I could finish my wrant Jake interruptted me said "Elena why do you think I bought Paul along cause I knew there was no room on my bike.". Before I could say any thing I saw Paul ride up. I squealed, ran off to him and hugged him. "Elena please don't go." I heard Edward beg. I gave him a small smile before I got on Paul's bike and rode off on it with him.

When we got to Sam and Emily's house I glanced over and saw the look Jake was giving Bella. I gasped, ran over grabbed Jake by the ear and pulled him off while he said "ouch!" repeatedly. When we came to a stop I said "How could you not tell me!". "Tell you what?" Jake asked. "That you imprinted on Bella?!" I whispered/yelled. Jake scratched the back of his neck and said "Uh?". "Uh? Uh! That's all you got to say is uh?! I'm your best friend and you didn't tell me!" I yelled. "I was going to tell you I just didn't know when." Said Jacob. I.pulled Jacob into a hug and said "Next time if something interesting happens you BETTER tell me! Or else!". Jake laughed and said "okay now come on Emily made food.". I ran out of Jake's arms, back to the house yelling "FOOD!" while Jake just laughed.

When I got back home I opened the door and yelled "Damon! I back!". No answer. I huffed and jogged upstairs to my room. I opened the door to see my lamp on with one of diarys open on the bed. I walked over to it picked it up and read the latest entry "Dear Elena, I'm sorry i can't do this. I can't be with someone who doesn't love me like I love them. I'm not even your mate and you deserve to be with your mate. I'm sorry Elena. I will always love you. Love, Damon.". I read the note over and over again. When my mind finally comprehended with what it said I fell to the ground and screamed while I cried.

Oh my gosh gusy i'm SO sorry I ended the chapter like that. I know ALOT of you might be mad at me but it had to be done. But i will tell you guys this he WILL be back but i just cant say when. So sorry again.

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