Waking up

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Darcy pov
I woke up with a pain in my head then all the memories of what happened at the bridge came rushing back the explosion Elizabeth confessing her feelings for me wait Elizabeth where is Elizabeth I need to find her I carefully opened my eyes only to see that I was in my room at Rosings how did I get here oh Bingley must have sent me back I looked around and started to get up when the door opened and in walked Bingley himself once he noticed I was awake he smiled and said "Darcy old friend it's good to see that your finally awake" "how long have I been asleep?" I asked "3 days the doctor finally finished with you yesterday and is now tending to Miss Elizabeths injuries" he stated I was about to inquire as to Elizabeths injuries when a blood curdling scream came through the wall instantly I was alert and out of bed with my katana in hand when Miss Jane came through the door looking rather tired and out of breath "Mr Darcy I'm glad to see that you are awake" she said noticing that I was standing there she then turned to Bingley and said "Mr Bingley if you would be so kind as to come help me with the doctor it seems as though we need some more strength in keeping the doctor alive"  "yes of course I thought that at least you and your three other sisters would have been enough put together" Bingley stated "So did we but it seems we will need some more help for Lizzy is stronger than she seems" Miss Jane answered then I finally came out of my place of silence and asked "Miss Bennett could I be so bold as to inquire as to what it is you and Bingley are speaking of?" Miss Jane looked at me and said "Lizzy was injured on the bridge and the doctor is trying to reset the bone but Lizzy is being difficult so we need Mr Bingleys help to hold her down while I try and keep her calm" I was shocked to say the least but didn't expect anything less from my Elizabeth I then looked at Miss Jane and asked "What can I do to help?" Jane looked at me and said "if you could help hold her down and with trying to keep her calm that would be great"
"Of course anything to help " I said and we went to Elizabeths room which happened to be the room next to mine when we entered we immediately took our places next to Elizabeth when she opened her eyes she saw us and immediately asked Jane "Jane what's going on why is Mr Bingley and Mr Darcy here?" Jane did not answer all she did was nod to the doctor and yelled "NOW!!" we all took that as the sign to hold Elizabeth down so we all grabbed onto Elizabeth and held her down with all our strength as the doctor quickly rest the bone there was a loud crack and then Elizabeth screamed and started to fight to get us off and I quickly grabbed her hand and held it firm in mine and leaned down to her and whispered "shhh Elizabeth shh it's alright calm down everything will be alright" she immediately started to calm down as I said these words in her ear so only she could hear while she looked at me with dare I say love? In her eyes I continued to soothe her until she completely stopped fighting us and started to fall asleep as I spoke to her when she finally fell asleep I looked up to see only Bingley and Jane in the room with knowing smile on their faces  I looked at them and whispered " I think we should let her rest" they nodded and we walked into the hall closing the door silently "thank you for helping both of you and Mr Darcy for keeping her calm I've never seen Lizzy calm down so swiftly for anyone even me so thank you" Jane said to me I looked at her a said " it was no problem I was happy to have helped" she smiled and bid us goodnight I said goodnight to Bingley and went to my room and prepared for bed I layers down my last thoughts before slipping into unconsciousness were of Elizabeth like they have been since the I first laid eyes on her.

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