The news

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Jane POV
We got Lizzy to her room and I could tell that MrDarcy was worried by the way he never left Lizzy side and was trying to sooth her. The physician arrived and was now tending to Lizzy Mr Bingley, Mr Darcy, and I were all waiting for him to finish there were some cries of pain coming from the room not all being Lizzy's I could tell that every time Lizzy cried out MrDarcy wanted to go to her finally after what seemed like forever the physician exited the room with an exhausted look and a small red mark on the side of his head it took all my will power not to laugh and keep a straight face
"Well it seems that the leg did not heal like it was supposed to so I have reset the bone-" I smiled at this "-however she will be confined to a wheelchair for about a month in order for the leg to heal properly." He said at this I frowned and asked "will she be able to walk again?"
"Yes she will be able to walk fight all of it she may have a slight limp but that is all."
"Well that is good news and judging by the fact that you made it out of that room alive, am I safe to assume you have not told her about the wheelchair?" I asked he nodded and said "yes I thought that maybe she should hear it from someone closer to her and has the ability to live through telling her." I laughed slightly and replied "yes that was a very good idea. Thank you for coming." He nodded and left I then turned to Bingley and Darcy
"So who wants to be the one to tell her?" I asked they both looked at me slightly scared but said nothing I sighed "fine I'll do it." 'You wimps" I said and muttered the last part quietly so they couldn't hear but I fairly certain they did.
Darcy POV
I can't believe it, how is Elizabeth going to take this?
"So who wants to tell her?" Jane asked
Charles and I just stayed quiet both of us slightly scared of Elizabeth's reaction after a moment Jane sighed and said "fine I'll do it" then muttered quietly as so that we would not hear but we did 'you wimps' then she went into the room when the door was closed I looked at Charles knowing that he had heard her we both started to laugh
"Wow I can't believe that she actually called us wimps" Charles said
"I am willing to be called a wimp as long as it means I am not on the wrong side of Elizabeth's blade." I answered
Jane POV
I entered the room and saw Lizzy lying on her bed looking exhausted
"Lizzy?" I asked she looked at me and slightly smiled
"Lizzy I need to tell you something"
She looked at me confused and concerned
"Lizzy your leg it seems that you will have to stay in a wheelchair for about a month so that means no training no walking nothing only sitting or lying down" I said she looked at me completely shocked and then it settled in and I know Lizzy she would hate not being able to go on her walks or train and taking those things from her is like taking water from a fish but at least she has her books and MrDarcy
When I looked a Lizzy again I saw tears in her eyes I immediately pulled her into a hug and she cried into my shoulder I knew she would hate this I pulled away from her and told her to wait a moment I knew that there were only two other people she would be willing to see right now and luckily one of them was standing in the hall way I left the room and looked at Darcy
"Mr. Darcy you need to go to her now she needs you." i said he nodded and swiftly went into the room. I looked at charles with tears forming in my eye, Charles quickly pulled me into his arms and comforted me.
Darcy POV
I entered the room and saw my darling Elizabeth looking down at her hands in her hands with tears coming down her face, I quickly came to her side and sat on the edge of the bed.
I put a finger under her chin and lifted her head so that her eyes met mine, i brought my other hand up and cupped her face with my hands and used my thumbs to wipe away her tears my eyes never breaking contact with hers
"my dear Lizzy." I said and with that she broke down sobbing I quickly pulled her into my arms holding her close, I ran my hand down her beautiful brown hair while reassuring her.
"'ll be OK I promise you'll get through this my love... it'll be OK Elizabeth i'm here for you... I promise."
slowly her tears subsided but she did not pull away and neither did I, we just sat there in each other's embrace for who knows how long.
Finally Elizabeth pulled back but still stayed in my arms, she looked at me and said "Thank you William."
"there is no thanks necessary I will always be here for you whenever you need me, my dear Lizzy." i replied she smiled then said
"I do not know how I am going to survive a month of no walking or training?"
"do not fear we will get you a wheel chair so that you still have mobility, also you can still go outside in the chair and either me or one of your sisters will be with you during the time being so you are never bored and then the month will fly by and you wont even realise it." I said, she smiled brightly and pulled me into a tight hug which i gladly returned.
"thank you so much." she whispered in my ear, i smiled and whispered back "always my love always."
she pulled back and smiled, afterwards she yawned and only then did i realize how late it was and decided that i better let her rest so i put my hand on her cheek and kissed her forehead and said
"sleep now my dear you need it." she smiled and leaned into my hand, this made me smile.
"sleep now my love sleep." she laid down and closed her eyes falling asleep instantly. I smiled and pulled the duvet up so she would not get cold an kissed her temple before standing and going to the door I looked back once more before leaving, i closed the door and went to find Charles chair to acquire.
Charles and I were currently putting wheels on a comfortable chair for Elizabeth, because if I were to just buy one it would not be here by the morning so now we are putting wheels on a light cushioned chair.
"This is a brilliant idea you've had Darcy and i'm sure Miss Elizabeth will love it." Charles said
"thank you, and yes i believe she will like this also this way she can have it by tomorrow instead of waiting to get one. also i was wondering if you could help me organize it so that someone is with her at all times so that he is her mind is not focused on the fact she is restricted to a chair and she doesn't realize that a month has past so fast without her realizing?" i asked my old friend he looked at me and smiled from ear to ear.
"of course i will speak to Jane and we will get the whole thing set up Miss. Elizabeth wont even realize a month has past and the next thing she knows she'll be up and walking and she wont have even noticed that she was in a chair for a month." Charles said to me.
"thank you Charles that means a great deal to me, that you are going to help me with this." i said he simply waved it off and we put the finishing touches on the chair. finally we put the chair in the hallway by Elizabeth's door.
"well i will bid you good night charles, sleep well and thank you again for your help." i said
"it was nothing that's what friends are for. sleep well Darcy good night." he said and then turned and left to his room.
i then went to my room and thought of how i was going to make this month more bearable for my Lizzy.

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