First days of recovery

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Elizabeths POV
The last thing I remember was hearing Mr Darcy's soothing words and him holding my hand as the physician reset my leg which by the way was extremely painful and I'm still surprised the doctor made it out alive most leave with either a large bruise or a cut of some form.
~~~time skip 6 days later~~~
I awoke to see the sun was well into the afternoon I'm not even sure how long I've been asleep it feels like days but I am unsure I was just about to get up when Jane walked in when she saw I was awake she rushed to my side pulling me into a hug while saying "oh Lizzy I'm so happy your finally awake I was so scared!!" I looked at her and asked " how long have I been asleep?" She pulled away and said "Lizzy you have been unconscious for six days after the doctor fixed your leg you contracted a fever and were quite ill we were so worried for you" she explained "well then help me fat changed and up out of this bed for I have been lying in in it far to long for my liking" she smiled and helped me sit up knowing not to argue with me on the matter I swung my legs over the side of the bed and began to stand up when I put weight on my injured leg it hurt a little but not as much as before Jane walked over to me and helped me wash up, change and fix my hair then she linked our arms and helped me to walk out of the room seeing as I had a slight limp we reached the parlor where every body was and the butler announced us we walked in and were immediately met with lots of loud voices saying "thank heavens" "LIZZY!!" And others I smiled and Jane led us to a couch that we sat on once situated lady Catherine spoke up "Elizabeth you were unconscious for so long we were beginning to think you would not make it I would also like to thank you for saving my nephew" "your quite welcome my lady and it was no trouble at all and thank you for helping my family" I responded she gave a nod as answer after that small chat we all spoke to one another while cleaning our weapons.

Authors Note:
No characters belong to me

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