Return to Rosings

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Elizabeth POV
We returned to Rosings just before dark and I still could not stop smiling I was so happy and my even my mothers nerves could not ruin my mood "oh Lizzy Jane I was so worried oh my pour nerves!!" My mother exclaimed when Jane and I walked into Rosings "do not worry mama we are alright. Jane could you please help me to my room so that I may rest and I do not believe I will be down for dinner" I asked "yes of course Lizzy lets get you to bed so that you can rest your leg" "thank you Jane" Jane and I proceeded to my room Jane helping along the way when we reached the room Jane helped me prepare for bed once I was situated Jane spoke up "Lizzy I am so happy for you"
"Thank you Jane I couldn't be happier"
"Lizzy I must tell you something"
"Well out with it"
"Mr Bingley proposed and I said yes" Jane said smiling
"Oh Jane congratulations I am so happy for you and Bingley"
"Thank you Lizzy I would have told you sooner but we were so busy"
"Of course I completely understand Jane no worries" Elizabeth said yawning
"Thank you Lizzy now I will leave you to sleep goodnight Lizzy"
"Goodnight Jane"
Jane left the room and I fell into a peaceful sleep and my last thoughts was how I was engaged to Mr Darcy master of Pemberly and the man I have fallen completely and totally in love with.
Darcy POV
I awoke early the next day and immediately got dressed and went to my horse on my way I was joined by Bingley we saddled our horses and rode off towards Rosings we arrived an hour later we were greeted by my aunt and all the Bennetts save for Elizabeth when everyone was leaving  I quickly asked Jane "Miss Bennett may I inquire as to where Elizabeth is?" I asked "Mr Darcy Elizabeth is still resting I'm sure she will be awake soon" she answered "of course thank you" I then walked away and headed to my room on my way there I remembered that my Lizzy's room was right next to mine I quickly looked around to make sure I was alone and when I quietly opened the door and looked in and saw my beautiful Lizzy sleeping she looked like a complete angel I'm not sure how long I stood there admiring her but I finally closed the door and walked to my room to freshen up when I finally emerged from my room it had been a little over an hour and it was time for breakfast on my way down the hall all I could think of was my Lizzy I was brought from my thoughts when I saw my Lizzy slowly making her way to the stairs "Mr Darcy are you going to just stand there and watch as I fall down the stairs?" She asked without even turning around and with a smile I walked up to her and offered my arm to "of course not" I said "thank you" she smiled "Elizabeth now why would you fall down the stairs?" I asked curious as to the answer she looked at me and I could tell that she did not like to show weakness even to me "my leg I can get around on flat ground on my own but I still have trouble with stairs" she admitted while using mr arm and the railing for support as we slowly made our descent down the stairs I looked at her and said "don't worry soon you'll be fully healed and back to the fierce warrior that I know you are" I said smiling at her and she returned the smile we reached the bottom of the stairs and she let go of my arm and instantly I felt the loss of her touch "thank you MrDarcy for your help"
"Your welcome and please call me William we are after all engaged to be married" I whispered the last part to her she smiled and said "of course William" she said and the sound of my name from her lips was the best sound I have ever heard in my entire life she started to walk past me towards the drawing room as she past me she stopped and whispered with a sly smile "and William it is quite improper to stare at a lady while she is sleeping" and then she was gone leaving me frozen in my place she new I was there this morning how? I must ask her next time we see each other and can talk privately. Now off to find Mr Bennett I entered the library to see Mr Bennett with a book in hand he looked up from his book to see me and set his book down
"Hello MrDarcy "
"Hello Mr Bennett I've come to speak with you in regards to your daughter Miss Elizabeth"
"Oh? So you and my Lizzy have come to a truce finally"
"Yes-wait what?"
"You and Lizzy have finally stopped going at each other's throats" I nodded in agreement and he said "very well you have my blessing but first I must thank you for saving Lydia"
"There is no need for thanks it was no problem to me and thank you Mr Bennett truly" he simply waved me off and said "now go tell Lizzy like I know you are wanting to but I suggest you do this away from my wife" I simply nodded in acknowledgement and left to do find my Lizzy. I was walking all around Rosings and I still couldn't find her where could she be then as I was walking in the gardens looking for her when I saw her and her sisters in their training clothes they were smiling they looked to have just finished I was about to walk up when I saw Miss Kitty kneel down behind Lizzy and Miss Lydia push Lizzy over kitty she landed with a loud thud Miss Lydia,Jane,and Kitty were all laughing when they went to help Elizabeth up she shook her head no and said "I think I'll just stay here for a minute" the other girls looked at each other then Miss Lydia said "oh Lizzy we're so sorry did we hurt you"
"It is alright Lydia I'll be fine I'm just going to stay laying down for a moment" my lovely Elizabeth said sounding a little pained then she said "or Mr Darcy can come over here and help a poor injured girl instead of hiding" how does she do that none of the other girls had known I was there I walked of to her and kneeled down to help her up "but of course" I said
"Thank you MrDarcy"
"You're welcome Miss Bennett. Miss Bennett might I have a word with you alone?" I asked she looked at me with those fine eyes of hers and said "of course MrDarcy" she then took my arm and we walked off into the gardens we found a secluded place with a bench and I helped her to sit down on it and she winced slightly then I took my place next to her
"Are you alright Lizzy?"
"Yes I'm quite alright William now what is it that you wished to speak with me about?"
"I have come to tell you that I've spoken with your father and he has given his blessing"
"That's wonderful William" she said smiling
"Also I want to know how you knew I was there this morning?"
"That is quite simple it is because I was not asleep I just had my eyes closed and was taking in the morning sunlight" she responded smiling to say I was shocked was an understatement I quickly recovered and said "well my dear I believe it is time to head in side or they will send a search party after us" I said smiling "that would be wise and I can already hear my mother and her 'poor nerves'" she said smiling and imitating her mother and I could not help but to laugh I stood up and then turned to Elizabeth and helped her to stand she did not need my help quite as much and that made happy knowing that she is recovering swiftly I tucked her arm into mine and we began to walk back when she turned her head to look at me and she said " please do tell me that you have already told your Aunt?" She questioned with almost pleading eye 'hmm what is she not telling me?' I thought "no I have not Elizabeth what is wrong what has happened that I do not know of?" She took a deep breath and proceeded to tell me of her encounter with my Aunt and the fight with her proxy by the end of her story I was angry with my Aunt but also full of pride, happiness and amusement of the out come looking at she must have seen my amusement because she then smiled and said "I'm glad you find this amusing because if this were to happen again you will be the one to fight her proxy not I" she said with all seriousness and a hint of amusement in her eyes and voice I smiled and I knew not to argue with her because there was no winning I placed my free hand on her cheek and said "I promise you that I will never let you go through that again and will gladly face 10 proxys in order to marry you" I then leaned my head down and kissed her  and she returned I when I pulled away she smiled that beautiful smile of hers back at me and I in turn kissed her forehead and then we made our way back to the house to tell our families of our engagement what fun this will be note my sarcasm there I do believe I would rather face hordes of zombies than to make this announcement we here goes nothing.

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