The wedding & Battle

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Elizabeth POV
2 months later
Today's the big day I'm finally healed though I am told that I will always have a slight limp when I walk but otherwise I am fully healed. Jane and I are preparing to walk down the isle.

We both had our dresses on preparing to finally marry the men we love. Father walked in and said "ahh, my lovely daughter however shall I survive without you?" Jane and I gave a chuckle and I replied "I do not know but I'm sure you find a way to manage without Jane and I." Father smiled and said "it's time, are you ready?" Jane spoke up finally and said "yes papa we're ready to go." We both hooked an arm with one of fathers and headed to the where our soon to be husbands waited for us.
(Here is the wedding because I'm to lazy to write out the entire thing)

We were finally going to be together forever. We were walking down the path leaving the church when in the distance there was something heading for us, as the it got closer we soon realized that it was a hoard of zombies charging towards us. Darcy looked to me quickly then back out towards the hoard headed for us.

Darcy quickly unsheathed his katana while I drew my twin swords as well as everyone else that knew how to fight or had the ability. Many guests ran for there horses and carriages and quickly made their way towards rosings park which was the closest save haven.

We quickly closed the gates as the hoard of ravenous zombies descended upon us we made quick work at disposing of as many zombies as possible Darcy and I were fighting back to back "so Elizabeth this is not how I imagined the start to our married life."
" No this isn't how I imagined it either William I thought maybe 1 or 2 small scurmishes on our journey but not a full out battle especially in our wedding clothes."
" Well Elizabeth if it's any consolation you are the most beautiful zombie slaying bride I have ever seen."
I gave a small laugh at that and continued to fight off zombies.

The sun was beginning to set and the zombies were all but gone William and I had finally finished off Mr. Wickam when the last zombie had been killed the black guard began to dispose of the bodies my dress was covered in dirt and blood. I walked over to my new husband who was cleaning off his katana, his head snapped up to me when he heard me approach he gave a small smile which I returned as I walked closer.

When I was close enough William reached up and took my hand in his pulling me closer to where he was seated "So I was thinking why don't we postpone our trip to pemberly, and leave tomorrow morning." I said William smiled up at me and said "that sounds like a wonderful idea Lizzy we can stay at rosings." After agreeing to not leave for Pemberly until the morning William stood and offered me his arm after sheathing his katana. And we head towards the horses that we would take back to Rosings where we would spend our first night together as man and wife.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2017 ⏰

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