Chapter 1

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"Noah, catch!" I shouted at the blonde haired boy as I ran across the school commons. He turned and looked at me with a grin on his face before I jumped into his arms.

"Hey you," he said while I wrapped my arms around his neck. "Do you want a ride home?"

"No it's alright," I stood on my own two feet again. "I have my suit in my locker."

"Ahh, fun fun." He nodded his head, "Speaking of rides, when are you going to get your license? You're already seventeen."

"Well I have my suit. I can kinda take that where ever I want," I shrugged. "Plus it's easier for me that way."

"If you say so," he smiled and planned a kiss on my cheek. "Talk to you later, yea?"

"Yea," I smiled and started walking towards my locker. I weaved in and out of the kids trying to leave school and was able to make it to my locker in a fairly short amount of time. After using the digital key-pad to unlock the door, I got my suit out and headed back off for the front of the school. I guess I turned a corner too fast and immediatly bumped into someone else.

The natural force of my body strength sent them to the ground. I fell over too, because well, I'm clumsy. This resulted in my suit case hurdling to the ground and popping open. Completely revealing the gold and red mechanics.

"I'm so sorry!" I squealed while pulling my head off the ground as soon as I could.

"It's no biggy," a dark haired boy with dark eyes said back. "Pretty strong girly aren't ya?"

I shrugged as I started to close the case back up, "I guess."

"Here let me help," he moved over to the case in the now empty hallway. Carefully I was able to press a few pieces from the suit back into place and we closed the top.

"Thanks," I said, finally looking up from my machine. The apperance of the boy I was looking at caught me off guard. Sure, I looked at his dark hair and eyes only moments ago. But now I was actually looking at him. His eyes could no longer be explained as just dark. There was something more hidden in them than just darkness. And when he smiled or talked, the corner of his lips formed a half smile.

"No problem," He rose onto his feet and outstretched his hand to help me up. I took the kind offer and was risen to my feet too.

I picked the suitcase up, "Sorry again."

"Really it's fine," he chuckled, "Frigga, isn't it?"

"Oh," I was caught off guard. "Yea it is. And you are..."

"Tate," he told me and we shook hands. "Hope to see you around this summer."

With that he walked down the hall. I turned and walked down the stairs, excited that we didn't have school tomorrow. Well being a senior I didn't have to come anyway. I know, I know, I shouldn't be a senior at all. But with being homeschooled the last half of my freshman year, I had learned enough in science and math to skip sophomore year. So last year I took an extra english class to replace the one I lost and ended up just fine.

Once I stepped outside the building, I dropped the suit case at my feet which lead it to popping open like it had only minutes ago. I stepped on the foot plates as I felt the suit build it's way around me. Each and every piece connected together like and intricate puzzle. The suit had completely covered me in seconds. The mask clamped down over my face, I threw my backpack over my metal shoulders, and blasted up.

This point in the day was always my favorite. I absolutely loved being able to see everything in New York from the sky. It was the most beautiful thing. I watched storm clouds collect across the grey sky and smiled, I love storms.

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