Chapter 9

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"Will you put that away?" my dad asked as we sat at the airport waiting for our flight to be boarded. I had been staring at my phone all day just waiting for a call from Noah. Or even a text. Today marks a week since he's been missing, 2 days since my mom has been kicked out of Stark Towers. She hasn't even tried to talk to me since I found out the truth about everything. 

The past couple days all I could thing about was all the what if's. What if I had found out about everything sooner? What if Tony had refused to protect me after what she did. What if she didn't have me injected at all? I couldn't help but think that I may have been a normal child. What if I didn't have any genuine powers like my dad? What if the God of Thunder's daughter can't even strike lightening to the ground? All I had was my strength, and I wasn't even supposed to have that.

"I'm sorry," I smiled up at my dad sheepishly and slid my phone into my carry on. "I can't help but wait for a call. Or a text."

"From your - your mother?" He asked and avoided eye contact with me. He was still devastated that he had left me alone with her all those years ago. As if it was his fault that she got paranoid and turned me into super solider. As if it was his fault that they designed me to be a war machine. 

"No," I said, "If she was going to talk to me at all she would have tried calling already. I'm waiting for Noah."

My dad rolled his eyes as I mustered a small giggle, "Don't wait for a man to contact you. Especially him."

I rolled my eyes, "Dad."

"What?" he laughed, "I'm just teasing you."

I stared at him for a minute, "I know. I just miss him and I want to know where he is."

"He'll show up."

"You don't think anything bad happened do you?"

He furrowed his eyebrows and shifted in his seat, "No, he contacted his mother. Did he not?"

"No, he did," I sighed. I wasn't even going to try and explain myself. Nobody knew that disappearing isn't like Noah. It isn't something he would do. "Why are we taking a plane?"

"What do you mean?" 

"I mean we could've just flown to wherever we are going," I cracked a small smile. It would've been much faster for me to use my suit and for my dad to use mjolnir. Or we both could've used our mjolnirs. 

He smirked back at me, "We are."

He knew exactly what I meant. I was going to say something snarky back but a voice came over the loud speaker and announced we were going to be boarding. I threw my carry on over my shoulder and stood in line next to my dad. Where ever we were going, I was grateful. And I didn't even mind that we were traveling the slow way, I was grateful for the time we were spending together. 

Two years was way too long. 


"You brought me to Norway?" I asked my dad, honestly shocked, as our flight landed. This whole day he has tried very hard to keep our destination from me. And he succeeded, until our captain make an announcement last minute about the 'Norwegian scenery'.   

My dad shrugged, a childish smile on his face, "Oh we're not here for Norway."

What could he possibly mean? What else would we be here for? What the hell is in Norway?

We slowly shuffled off the plane and through the airport to collect our belongings. Once outside the TORP Sandefjord Airport my dad hailed a taxi to take us away. I was giddy like a child the whole time. What could have possibly brought us to Norway? As we were driving through the country and taking in all the scenery, I almost forgot everything that was going wrong in my life. 

After about a twenty minute drive, the taxi driver dropped us off in a town called Tønsberg. My dad thanked him in Norwegian, paid the man in an unfamiliar currency, and yanked our bags from the trunk with ease. 

"What are we doing here?" I asked as I popped the handle from my suitcase and began to roll it behind me. The village was busy but quite small. It reminded me of a much more humble New York City.  I could see the ocean and hear the waves crashing against the Norwegian shore. Even further than the shore I could see that mounds of land that sat contently in the water. It was nothing like I have ever seen before.

My dad looked around, the sun bright in his eyes considering it was about four in the afternoon here, "Well, we definitely need to eat before we travel much further. What do you say?"

"I guess I can't say no," I shrugged with a smile and let him lead the way to a restaurant called Paparazzi.

While eating I learned that the drinking age here was only eighteen. But of course I'm not even old enough to drink in Norway yet. However, I did take a few sips of my fathers giant beer here and there. We just ate and laughed and I genuinely enjoyed the afternoon. I tried several times to get him to tell me why we came all the way to Norway but he wouldn't. I do have to say though, for being an Asgardian he was extremely fluent in Norwegian. 

After paying the bill and leaving, my dad lead me down the streets to the harbor. Where he paid a man to give us a ferry ride. I was a bit confused about the conversation they were having, considering I only speak English. But the man helped us load our luggage, held my hand as I got into the boat, and left the docks. The sun was still high in the sky, but it wasn't as bright out as it had been. I spent most of the ride just watching the water below us and wanting to stick my fingers in it. 

I looked up and saw my dad staring at his phone. A small smirk crossed my lips and I said, "Will you put that away?"

He laughed and slid the device into his pocket, "Are you excited?"

"I think so," I admitted. "I'd be a lot more excited if I knew why we're in Norway."

"Oh come on," he slugged me in the shoulder. "The journey is the most exciting part."

I slugged him back, equally hard, and giggled as he winced a little. Maybe all the traveling today made him forget that I was a super soldier.

"Can I at least have a clue?"

"Sure," he looked back out at the ocean, "We're just going to see some old friends."


What is up my guys, 

Im going to be 100% honest with you, NOBODY has guessed correctly about Noah's whereabouts, but just stay tuned bc you'll all be finding out shortly (;

While im working on the next chapter, does anyone know where Thor and Frigga are going? Or who they're going to see? 

and what do you think is going to happen to Frigga and Janes relationship? what about Thor and Jane? 

I have some super BIG things planned so far and I cant wait to share them all with you!

(also have you read the new description for this story yet? if not you should RIGHT NOW)

Until next time, 

Arc Reactor Love & a Hulk Hug!



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