Chapter 7

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There was nothing but silence. 

All I could do was hold still, and try to tame all the thoughts that were running through my head. My dad was the first to speak as he said, "Explain yourself," to Tony and sat next to me.

Tears were definitely brimming in his eyes by now, "Jane needs to."

At first I agreed, my mom should explain to me what Tony said. I wanted to hear what was going on from her first, she's my mom. But my father replied with, "I didn't ask her did I?"

Tony nodded and sighed, "Follow me then. We're not having this conversation in the living room."

We followed him to the elevator and down to the science lab. It was quiet the whole way down while I thought of what Tony had said just moments earlier. A super soldier. Did he mean like Steve? What did he mean 'she did that to you' ? I desperately needed every detail I could possibly get. I wanted to know everything. I needed to know the truth. 

"This way," Tony said and turned to his left as we walked towards the back of the lab. He flicked on a small light, which lit up just the corner we were standing in, and he opened a higher cabinet. 

"What's going on, Stark?" my father asked, his breathing heavy, his eyes wild with anger. For a split second I saw the version of him that fights in war, and I felt emotional. I wanted Noah by my side. I wanted my mom to hold me. But it was all gone the moment Tony pulled an old manila folder from the top shelf. 

Tony sighed and wouldn't look at either of us, he just flipped through the folder. There was nothing but silence for the second time this morning as Tony hesitated. My father and I had both glanced at each other a few times before he finally spoke up.

"Seventeen years ago your mom came to me with you," he looked me in the eyes like he already regretted saying anything at all. "She wanted me to inject you with the super soldier serum that was used on Steve."

17 Years Ago.


"Jane you know this isn't a smart choice," I looked the erratic woman in the eyes as she sat on my couch. Inject a 1 month old baby with Super Soldier Serum? Fucking insane. I knew she needed help the moment she showed up in the pouring rain with Frigga at midnight. I just didn't know how bad she needed help. Or how bad Frigga needed help, I should say.

"Just listen to me Tony," she pleaded, "You know something like this is going to happen one way or another. Can't you just feel it?" 

I swayed back in forth with the baby, my new niece, and wished that Thor had never gone. She surely wouldn't be thinking like this if he were here to protect them.  

"She's Thor's daughter for fucks sake! She needs to be strong, she needs to be more than just my daughter. She's meant to be greater than that! What if people come for her?"

"I won't do it," I shook my head. She started to protest but I cut her off, "Aht! Thor did not trust me to protect her just for you to turn around and inject her with chemicals! I'm her god-father and I won't let you. You need to go home. And I think you should leave her with me for tonight."

I don't remember the rest of the argument. But I wish I fucking could. Surprisingly she did, she left, and she left the baby with me as well. I would've, and should've, called Steve that night. Or Bruce. Or Natasha. Anyone that could talk sense into her. Anyone but me. Why didn't I? Your guess is as good as mine.

The next morning Pepper and I woke up to the sound of a helicopter on the landing pad. Pepper jumped to grab the baby, and I ran down the stairs. Only to find Nick Fury himself sitting at the bar stools, a dark cup of whiskey in his hands.  Jane stood at his side, a cold look on her face. I put two and two together, and I knew what was going to happen next.

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