Chapter 5

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"Have you heard from him yet?" Tate asked as Tony poured us each another drink. It was at least one in the morning and I've had a few drinks at this point.

"Not a single text," I waved my phone in my hand and grabbed the newest drink. I sat in the stool and silently thanked myself for wearing Converse instead of heels.

"Think we should go looking for him?" He asked me.

"Well," I shrugged. "Maybe. But I'm also slightly irritated with him."

"Why?" Tate asked, "Maybe something happened."

Tony decided to throw himself into the conversation right about then. I was surprised he could even hear us considering how loud the party had gotten. Instead of dying down it had seemed to get even crazier and bigger as the night continued. Somehow, even more people had shown up and the lights still flashed like crazy.

"Frigga it's your graduation party. If he decided not to be here then that's on him."

"You're right," I told Tony. "He's right," I repeated to Tate.

"I guess so," he shrugged.

Just then a bubbly blonde girl in a purple dress sat down next to me, almost spilling her drink.

"Emily! I haven't seen you all night!" I shouted over the noise. The laser beams continued to zoom through the room, just adding to the party scene. The bass pumped and at this moment in time I was so grateful that we didn't have neighbors.

"This is a crazy party!" she giggled and leaned her head against my shoulder. I took the drink from her hand and placed it on the counter as she asked, "What time is it?"

Tate checked his phone, "Two AM."

"Want to sleep in my bed?" I asked her. She nodded, her hair rubbing against my shoulder and back. I sighed and helped her up, then lead her to the elevator. Once we got up to our room level, I carefully walked her up the stairs and into my room. Take it from me when I say that it's incredibly difficult to take care of a drunk person.

"Careful," I laughed as she plopped on my bed. She just smiled at me and I thought about how lucky I am that she's my best friend. Or I guess she was the lucky one right now. I sat on the bed with her as she rolled over and wrapped herself in the blankets. My phone lit up and my stomach flipped, hoping it was Noah. But it was actually just a text from Steve.

Capsicle Rogers:

I laughed and returned down to the main level. Sure enough, Steve was doing his very best to smile and give attention to all of the girls equally. Poor Steve. He was torn between taking pictures, giving hugs, and signing things.

"Hey Capsicle!" I called out as I shoved myself into the crowd. He made eye contact with me and gave me a look that said, Please help me.

"I think Natasha was looking for you!" I shouted, trying to get the girls to leave him alone, "We should probably go find her before she gets mad and heads down here."

However, the teenage girls didn't even acknowledge what I had said. In fact, the swarming may have just gotten worse.

"Did you guys hear that?" Steve said to the girls, "Natasha is looking for me, I better go find her before she gets mad. Trust me, the Black Widow is no fun when she's mad."

A few more girls grabbed pictures, or stole a hug, but after pointing out that the Black Widow might get angry, most of the girls had left. Steve shot me a thumbs up and jogged to the elevator, eager to leave the party scene. I sat back down at the bar with Tate and Tony. We made fun of the teenagers doing stupid things and we all drank a bit. I was definitely feeling all the alcohol at this point. Things were blurring together, my head was spinning, and my giggles were uncontrollable. I don't remember what time I fell asleep, I don't remember where I fell asleep, but eventually everything faded to black.

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