Chapter 3

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A loud, ringing noise woke me up from a dead sleep. I sat up in a rushing motion, causing me to get dizzy and grab my head. I had no idea where the noise was coming from. It wasn't ringing like a telephone or anything like that, it was almost like two walkie-talkies had been held too close together. I ripped the comforter from my legs and tossed it off to the side then proceeded to stand up.

I tried popping my ears to make the sound go away but it didn't work. I completely stood up and noticed the time on my glass TV said 2:47. Without any further hesitation I flicked on the switch under my nightstand, causing light to illuminate from under my bed. I rubbed my eyes, still in a daze, and followed the ringing to my closet. I flicked on the light to the small walk-in closet and looked around, trying to figure out where the noise was coming from. I pushed passed the clothes near the floor of my closet to reveal my mjolnir. The hammer was put here years ago when my dad left. I told myself I wouldn't use it without him.

The ringing noise emitted from the mjolnir, I didn't know why it was doing this. I carefully wrapped my fingers around the handle and the ringing ceased. Yet, I felt a huge surge of power rush through my body. It started in my hand and the feeling crept its way up my arm and into the rest of my body.

Then, just as soon as it had happened, the feeling was gone.


"Do you need help with you hair?" My mom questioned again from outside the door.

"I already finished it," I said and swung the door open.

"I'm sorry," she told me, "I can't help with wanting to help you with everything."

"I know mom."

"So the plan is that Tony, Natasha, Landyn, Bruce, and Clint will ride down in one car. Then Darcy, Eric, Steve, and I will ride down in the other car."

"Mom you're over thinking it," I chuckled and started walking up to my room.

"Are you sure you don't want me to ride down with you?" she asked me.

I was planning on flying down to the arena and doing all the pre-ceremony stuff on my own, that's what we were supposed to do. "I've got it mom."

I quickly changed into my dress and searched around my closet for my converse. Once I found the tattered old shoes, I slipped them on, grabbed my suit, and left the room. My mom was waiting outside my door, no surpise there.

"Sneakers?" she gasped and clutched her chest.

I looked down at the dirty shoes and rocked back and forth on them, "Yea."

"Honey," she sighed, "No."

"I mean they'll be easy to fly in and I doubt someone will see them under my gown."'

She just shook her head at me and walked into her room. That's the thing with my mother, you never know how she would react to things. So I just waited patiently outside my bedroom door. I rested my suitcase on the ground and put my weight on the wall. I felt peaceful for a moment and knew that this is the only time I was going to be at peace all night. With almost everyone I knew at my graduation, there was bound to be some sort of pressure on the night. I already felt pressured because I was scheduled to give a speech after the valedictorian. Of course I had the whole speech ready to deliver, but the nerve racking part was I told no one. I didn't tell my mom, or Tony, or Clint. I never even told Noah or Emily. It was bound to be a surprise for everyone I guess.

"Here," my mother emerged from her room with a small shoe box.

"What are these?"

"A pair of heels that will go great with your outfit tonight."

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