Chapter 4

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The thing about memories is they are never quite as great as experiencing something for real. I like to think that I'll always have my memories, but really they'll just fade over time. Eventually I won't remember them the same way I use too, all of the senses will be gone.

But my father was not one of those memories, I refused to let him be. As I hugged him in front of the graduation ceremony, I remembered everything the same way it was two years ago. I remembered the knots in his hair and the stubble on his chin. I remembered the feeling of his hugs and the steadiness of his breath. These were things I would remember for the rest of my life, even when the sensory part of the memories have faded away. I had two years to forget these details, but I never did.

I heard the shutter of a camera, and slowly a round of applause started in the auditorium. It was just him and I. None of my other family could get back here because of the ropes, and they had stopped moving students through the line. We finally pulled away from one another, and I could feel the tears running down to my chin. His tears dripped from his nose and his eyes shimmered. He put me down and we looked arounds us. One by one, the audiance members stood up and continued to applaud. He wrapped his giant arm around my shoulders and we left the auditorium together. Much to my surprise, my family was already waiting outside the arena doors for us, and my mom looked so, so happy.

It was in that moment right there that I felt their love from across the room. It was almost as if a deep wave of emotion struck me to my core, and I was paralyzed as my mother cried into my fathers arms and he held her so tightly.


I should have been ecstatic, and I was, but I didn't know how to show it. I wasn't 14 anymore, this wasn't like the first time he came back. I didn't have and questions, because I already had all the answers. Of course  I didn't fly home from the graduation, I sat right in the middle of my dad and my mom, while Tony drove and Clint sat shotgun. My suit sat on my lap, folded in it's case. I ran my fingers over the metallic ridges and creases of the case as my father told us about his time in Asgard and about our family there.

"This is new," my father tapped the Breathing Glass Arc Reactor on my chest.

"Oh," I smiled and touched the glass, "Yea Tony and I designed them."

"What are your plans for the rest of this evening?" he asked as a general question to the occupants of the car.

"We're partying," Tony said and turned the corner to park the car. Thor just slightly chuckled back.

"He means it," my mom said, "We're partying."

And we were. Tony decided that I only graduate high school once, and throughout those years I had never once thrown a party. I guess Tony did that a lot as a teenager so he was passing the tradition onto me. For one night. He had even taken the event into his own hands and invited the graduating class for me, all of them. The elevator ride up to the main floor was quiet until my dad spoke up.

"I'm very proud of you," he told me, with a genuine smile on his face.

"Thank you," I replied, as the doors of the elevator opened, revealing the party scene. I gasped, "Tony, how is this already done?"

"It was I, Madam," I heard JARVIS say.  The latest songs were blaring through my ears as my eyes were distracted by the multicolored beams filling the dark room with color. The party wasn't scheduled to start for another 30 minutes, so I guess we just got to wait around. I've never hosted a party before. I have no idea what I'm doing.

"Are you ready to get this shit goin'?" Tony shouted over the music as he walked over to the counter and got out several bottles of what I assumed to be alcohol.

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