Chapter 6

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Two days had passed since I've learned about Hela, and what a vile witch woman she was. There was nothing I could've done to help, my dad had reassured me several times. I couldn't help but think I could have though. What if I could've helped? What if I could have saves a single persons life? What if I could have saved them all? I know I was naive for believing that, of even considering it, but all my mind has done is wonder about all the things I could've done. 

Speaking of wondering, it appears Noah has wondered off. Completely. His mom received a text yesterday morning that basically states he's never coming back home. I didn't receive anything at all. 

That's not Noah though. Not my  Noah anyway. There was something wrong here and I know I'm the only one who wants to get to the bottom of it. 

"Toaster I need you help!" I hollered through the lab. My voice rang off the glass walls and my attention was drawn to the single light bulb that was on and dangling over a table full of blue prints. 

"Of course you do," he sighed and took off his glasses as I approached, "What's up, tiny-me?"

"Noah is missing," I sat on the stool across from him and showed him the texts from Noah's mom.

After scrolling through them he slid my phone back across the table and put his glasses back on. "So what? The kid ran away. He's eighteen now, I'm not surprised."

"He didn't run away!"

"Well his mom sure believes he did. She's got the texts to prove it."

"That's not like Noah at all though," I could feel myself getting irritated with every second that passed. "He wouldn't just leave."

Tony sighed again and looked up from what he was working on. "Then what do you think happened?"

I paused and sat in silence. What did I think happened? What could have happened?

"Exactly what I thought," Tony said and got back to working. "Believe it or not kiddo, not everyone is required to stay."


"Be honest with me, " Clint said. "Where did you think that was going?" He pointed to an arrow that I had shot. It was about a foot away from the target.

"Anywhere but the center I guess," I shrugged and knelt down to grab my water bottle. The summer wind was chill as it whipped my hair out of my face. With it only being half past eight in the morning, the sun was still low in the sky and it wasn't very warm out at all. 

"Aim for the center then."

I stood up straight and positioned myself to shoot. My breathing was unsteady as I pulled, aimed, fired, and missed again. I knew what Clint was going to say before he even said it. "Not even close."

"Not even close," he shook his head. I knew it. 

"That was way closer than the last one!" I protested.

"You still missed," he sat on the edge of the roof and looked all the way across it to the target we had set up on the other side. 

"By only a couple inches," I sighed and sat with him. 

"So? You need to steady your breathing and stay calm. In a real life situation, inches matter."


Another day passed. This marks 5 days since Noah has "left". I had my interview with SHIELD today and I had agreed to let my mom curl my hair. She said she felt like she hadn't seen too much of me recently. I don't blame her though, I've been distracted. 

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