Chapter 8

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 I watched as my father's mjolnir shattered through another window and into his left hand. Within seconds, he had jumped from the window and used the mjolnir to go right back up to the main floor. He was going after my mom. 

"Jarvis!" Tony yelled over the immense sound of thunder, "Suits!"

Before I knew it, I was covered from head to toe in metal gear and jumping out of the window with Tony. 

When I say I didn't have time to process anything, I mean it. So much information had been given to me within the past hour, I physically could not comprehend the situation. My situation. And now here I was, trying to stop my dad from killing my mom. Just thinking about my mom put a bad taste in my mouth. I guess I was able to comprehend something.

As if Tony could read my thoughts, he spoke to me through our helmets and said, "Don't worry, I don't think he'll hurt her."

I nodded and followed him up towards the landing deck where my mom stood in the very center of the living room, protected by the glass around her. My dad stood several feet from her, outside on the landing deck. Lightning currents followed his every move as he lifted his weapon and brought it down onto the deck. The whole building shook and my mom fell to her knees inside. 

Without hesitation, Tony shot out the glass from one of the windows and flew in to stand in front of my mom. His mask retracted to reveal his face and he screamed, "Step back Thor! This is not the answer! You don't want to do this."

"I trusted her!" He bellowed back, making the sky rattle and electricity jump from his body. 

"We all did!" Tony shouted back, "But you need to look at your daughter, and be grateful that she's with you right now."

I quickly landed directly in front of my father, in between him and the glass. For a split second it was like he didn't even see me there. But then I took off my helmet. And he looked me in the eyes. All that rage and anger I saw was a little frightening at first, I wanted to put my helmet back on and fly away. Anywhere from here. Until I could gather my thoughts. Only then would I come back. 

I couldn't though.

I needed to be here. In this very spot. In this very moment. 

He stared at me for a few seconds longer as the electricity continued to course through is body, dancing on and off his skin. The anger in his eyes was no longer as harsh as it was only seconds ago, it had all morphed into vulnerability. 

"D-Dad," my voice cracked. I was barely audible over the storm and the city bellow, "You need to stop."

Except I didn't want him to. I wanted him to blast my mom with a lightning blast. I wanted her to feel as much anger, betrayal, and hurt that I felt right now. However, I knew that wasn't the answer. I knew there was nothing I could do to make her feel the way I did, and even if I could, it would be wrong. 

Tears continued to stream lightly down my cheeks and he continued to clench and loosen his jaw. I saw his eyes water as his breathing calmed and all the stands of lightning began to die out. I glanced behind me to see Tony helping my mom up, as soon as she stood on her feet she tried coming onto the sky deck. Tony pushed her back and pointed for her to go upstairs. 

"They don't need you right now," I heard him say harshly. She only nodded and turned around while I turned to look at my dad once more. He was now on his knees and looked completely defeated. 

"Frigga Jane..." He said as I slowly walked towards him, "I am so sorry."

"It's not your fault dad," I said and knelt down next to him. He was completely silent, I could only hear sniffles. My suit unraveled itself around me, and quickly became a small rectangle, almost the size of a credit card.

I looked at Tony a little confused. Since when did that happen? What happened to the suitcase?

He only smirked at me through the broken glass, "Nano Tech!" He called, "You like it?"


I spent the whole rest of the day in my room. I believe Agent Hill tried to come by at one point to talk to me about the whole situation, but Tony told her to leave. About an hour after everything happened, I heard my mom and Tony arguing. I didn't hear exactly what was being said but he told her to leave. Actually her told her to "Pack her shit and go" but it's all the same.

Around 3 in the afternoon I tried calling Noah. I didn't get through to him but I tried again. And again. And again. Until finally I just gave up and left a voicemail. 

"Hey," I said into the phone, my voice was hoarse and shallow. I wonder if he would be able to tell that I had been crying for hours. "Remember that day at the beginning of senior year when we yelled at each other? For the first time. And I left school early and went to Staten island by myself? You almost hit that kid for flirting with me all day, but then later that night you told me you thought you had lost me. I still feel bad about that day. But I haven't seen you since we graduated and I kind of feel the same way you did. Only a lot worse because I don't know where you are." 

I could feel my self starting to cry again, the familiar warmth of tears trickled from my eyes. I chuckled a little and then sniffled, "How did you know I was at Staten island that day?"

I was quiet for a little while longer until I heard a beep on the other line, signalling that my time was up.  A few seconds later I heard a knock at my door and my dad let himself in. 

"Can you do me a favor and pack your clothes for a trip?" He still looked sad in his eyes, but he was baring a small smile. 

"Where to?" I sat up from where I had been leaning against the wall and dropped my phone on my comforter. 

"That is a surprise," he raised his eyebrows and leaned against my wall.

"How long will we be gone?" 

"As long as we need."


WHAT IS UP my fellow nerds

this chapter isnt as long as i wanted it to be, but i definitely wanted to get SOMETHING posted so you guys had something to read. 

where do you think Thor is taking Frigster? Comment all your guesses! Ill even dedicate the next chapter to the person who guesses correctly first (;

but besides that, what characters do you want to see more of? and WHERE tf did Noah go? what do you guys think about what Jane did? I'll be replying to all guesses/answers so feel free to talk with me!

But until next time, 

Arc Reactor Love & a Hulk Hug!



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