Chapter 10

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I don't know how long I had been gone for. In all honesty I should have been counting the days by scratching tally marks into my bed frame or something. I missed my mom. I missed my dad. I missed Frigga.

"How did you know I was at Staten Island that day?" 

I replayed my girlfriend's voicemail over and over again. I have been listening to it since I received it a few days ago. I could hear in her voice that she has been crying. Was it because of me? I desperately wanted, and needed, to know that she was okay. I wanted to know why she was crying. And I wanted to make everything easier for her. 

But I had to stop and remind myself; that's why I'm here. 



I sat on a rocky shore. The rocks were dark and smooth, while the waves gently kissed them. Our ferry ride had brought us this far, but I still had no idea where we were or what we were doing. I had taken off my shoes, rolled up my pants, and I was currently dipping my toes in the water. My dad, on the other hand, had been on the phone with my mother for a few minutes. And she was angry. Angry that he took me without telling her. 

He was doing me a favor by standing up the shore a bit so I couldn't hear the conversation. But I could still make out some of the words that he was trying to keep quiet.

Liar. Deceptive. Monster. 

I did my best to ignore what my dad was saying and keep my mind focused on the water. Even though I agreed wholeheartedly with everything he was saying, I knew if I continued to listen I would make myself mad. I tried not to think about Noah and where he was. I also tried not to think about how much I missed Tony, Clint, Pepper, and even Landyn. This was our much needed vacation. 

It was incredibly pretty out here. I couldn't see many other islands around us. Not as many as I could see before anyway. I watched the ferry slowly get further and further away from us and this part of Norway. Why didn't he stay? Where are the docks?

"Are you ready to continue?" my father asked from behind me. He was panting and still seemed frustrated. 

I smiled back, "Definitely."

We walked for about five minutes before a small town, or village, came into view. People walked the streets dressed in long gowns and gold. I instantly recognized the culture. The style. The people.

"Are they from..." I began, but trailed off.

My father wrapped his gigantic arm around my slim shoulders, "Yes. Welcome to New Asgard."

"New  Asgard?" I repeated back, I was trying to contain the excitement in my voice as we stepped onto the streets of the village and became apart of the crowd. 

"The one and only," he grinned as we weaved in and out of the asgardian people. The town was small and quaint. There was no castle, no golden structures, no rainbow bridge, but it didn't need any of those things either. This place radiated asgardian energy down to my core and I felt at home.

I followed my father deeper into New Asgard and paid attention to how many people noticed him. Every few minutes I would even hear my  name whispered between the people as well. After a while we ended up in front of a larger looking cottage, I noticed it was one of the biggest in the village and sat upon a little hill. My dad raised his knuckled and pounded on the door.

He looked down at me and smiled, that big cheesy grin, and said, "Are you ready?"

My palms began to sweat, "Ready for what?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2020 ⏰

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