The secret origin of Tom Triole - Part 1

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This is a novella in Tom's POV. The chapters published here would correspond to the events that happened before and during Evolution.

I am a monster.

Even before my powers surfaced, the man I am supposed to call my father had been acting like I was a monster. My mother would just sit there and cry, and I would be left in the corner wondering if I really was a disappointment, a failure and worse of all, a monster. He would complain about how we were a burden to him, how he never wanted any of this and my mother would just sit there and cry some more.

I used to hope that things would be different outside. And for a while it was. I had people to play with, friendly neighbors that gave me food when they knew my father wasn't around. They would tell my mother that she was better off leaving him for good, but she never listened. But her decision had been the one that gave me the most joy.

I was going to have a brother.

I can't even describe the feeling that overcame me when I found out. There would be another me, someone who would be mine to protect, someone that I could show the world to. It was one of the best times in my life, watching my mother's belly grew every day, knowing that in the end I would have a sibling, a constant companion. Father had been away in one of the outer arrondissement, working to build a new factory or something. Or perhaps that was just an excuse, but it didn't matter to me. He was gone and we were happy.

For the next few years, life was perfect. We were still dirt poor, relying on the UGE's funds to survive and living in a cardboard box size apartment. But it was the happiest days of my life. I was Matthias' best friend, protector and teacher. My mother said that I was the best big brother she had ever seen, and I took pride in that.

It all changed when he returned.

He was furious to see that mother had have another child, and he screamed and threw furniture around. My mother, as always, didn't dare do or say anything to stop him. I was older then, and I knew more about the world to understand that the way he was behaving wasn't normal and he should be stopped. But he was still my father, and I was no match for him.

He had grabbed me by my hair and started beating me, and at first I didn't dared retaliate. Fear had been what stopped me from acting, but fear for my brother had been what pushed me to act. He wasn't satisfy with just hurting me, he was going to strike Matthias, and I couldn't stand by and watch my brother get hurt.

That was how my powers surfaced.

The world turned red, and suddenly my mother was looking at me like I was a monster. I wasn't even aware of what was happening, until I saw the orange glow coming off me. It didn't take long for my powers to grow out of control. Flames started to spread and the entire room caught fire, feeding off my anger and my fear. Even in his rage, father could see something was wrong. He had looked right at me and called me a little monster. And this time, he might be right.

That night, the fire spread throughout the entire building complex and razed it to the ground. And I never knew whether anyone was killed. My father told anyone who would listen that I was behind the fire, and I was no son of his but a spawn of satan. Later, the news had declared that it was the result of a faulty Old Age gas pipe exploding underground, and within two days, I was whisked away from my brother and sent off to the P.O.E. Academy. I didn't hate it there, but I certainly didn't like it either. I was finally away from my father, but I was also away from my brother. And the same look of fear and caution past on people's face when I use my powers, and I felt like I traded one prison for another.

And like that, I had been living in a daze until I met her.


Part 1 of Tom's little novella is out!

I will be scattering his story throughout the three books according to the correct timeline, so stay tuned for that.

Today it's also Abigail Beckett's future birthday (she isn't born yet, you see...), so happy birthday to her!

Sorry for going MIA lately, I am working on getting Evolution self published and it's doing my head in. I thought about looking for a traditional publisher, but I want to be able to offer it to everyone on wattpad at a cheap price so I thought, why not self published?

If you want to stay tune for all the latest update and a free copy when I do publish, sign up for my mailing list via my facebook page: and via the sign up button, or directly through this link:

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