Chapter 3 Questions for Answers

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Hey guys new chapter :D and it's nearly CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY whoooop :D

it would be awesome if you guys can vote for Evolution for christmas :)))

still trying to think of a cast for this, any ideas?


My head was pounding like a car just ran over it. I groaned in annoyance, disorientated for a few seconds before the memories of the Legre attack starts coming back to me. I bolted up immediately and found myself in a sterile, white room.

I looked down at myself, I was still wearing my school uniform and appeared to be unscratched. What had happened after the Legre jumped? Surely I would have been ripped into a million pieces by now. And where was I? This didn't look like a hospital.

My heart started to beat faster which causes my headache to intensify. With great effort I got up and tried to open the door. It was locked. This can't be good.

Pacing back to the bed and laying down, I closed my eyes hoping the headache will go away, or that I will wake up in my bed and laughed at my weird dream.

I must had drifted off to sleep at some point, because the next thing I knew someone was entering the room. My eyes snapped open to find the unfamiliar white ceiling again, I sighed internally, guessed this really wasn't a dream after all.

'Hello Miss Beckett, good to see that you have regain consciousness.' a middle age guy in white lab coat and glasses walked towards me with a smile, I craned my neck to looked at him more closely. He was smiling at me pleasantly and seemed like one of those normal doctors I see in the hospitals.

'Your physical examinations came out fine but we aren't sure whether there will be any permanent damage caused by the impact. Do you remember who you are and what happened.' He asked kindly, now standing next to the bed and looked down at me directly. I was relieved to see a friendly face and not a man with knife. Maybe this was just a new hospital that's all. However there was something about his choice of words that kept nagging me. What did he meant by damages? And the room just didn't seems to match up to a normal hospital. But my head hurt so much that I dismiss the questions immediately.

'I feel OK really, just a bad headache.' I said, trying to find a way to say what happened without giving myself away. Maybe they didn't know what happened, I would just had to say part of the truth, that's not lyng. ' My name is Abigail Beckett and we were in a evacuation for the amber alarm. A Legre attacked us and then I fainted.'

The doctor nodded at my words, my heart felt slightly lighter as he ticked off boxes on the clipboard he was holding, maybe I am really in a normal hospital. 'Good, how do you feel right now? Dizzy, nauseated?'

'A bit of both.' I said, popping up into a sitting position. The doctor smiled at me reassuringly.

'Don't worry, you should be fine by tomorrow. We gave you a CAT scan and everything seemed to be fine with your brain. Obviously we can't be sure of everything until you wake up.' He said smiling at me, 'there are a few people outside waiting to meet you.'

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