Chapter 27 Pax

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Standing alone in the crowded school entrance I tapped my feet impatiently as I waited for Natalie to arrive, while keeping an eye out for Fred Bowen to see if either of them were in the crowd that were leaving through the school’s entrance. I had everything planed to the tiniest detail today, both my visit and my little plan to bring Fred Bowen out of his egotistic shell.

Originally I had asked Owen for a favor to ask Natalie out for this trip to Pax; however, or shall I say, fortunately, that poor fellow who got froze by Fred Bowen actually manned up and asked Natalie to go with him. After a little prompting from me Natalie agreed that she would go with him. The thought of how well things have been working out brought a smile to my face. Although I felt bad for that poor guy, he really likes Natalie. But what I was doing is for the greater good, so he would just have to find some other girl to like. And since he actually likes her, the whole thing wouldn’t come across as a set-up.

I glanced at my watch and frowned. If they don’t hurry up I would end up spending the whole day on this and not have time to sightsee.

“So where do you want to go?” I heard a voice asked behind me and I spun around, spotting Natalie and the guy who risked his neck (albeit unknowingly) to ask her out. The question was asked by the poor boy and Natalie shrugged in respond. I could feel that she was distracted, trying to spot Fred Bowen amidst the crowd.

Feeling the familiar icy presence by the edge of the hall I turned to see that, the devil himself had indeed just entered the hallway. I wasn’t sure if he knew about Natalie’s little date with Hamish (yes, that’s his name. I nearly choked on my own laughter when I found out), but I was hoping he hadn’t yet because I would love to see his reaction when he finds out.

Fred was looking around the crowd for Natalie. He actually sent her a note telling her to meet him in a café when they reach Pax separately; unfortunately for him I happened to stumble upon the note in front of her door before she saw it and destroyed it. If he wasn’t going to confess his feelings to Natalie, he wasn’t going to get a date with her.

Fred Bowen spotted the pair when the two of them were leaving through the main entrance. He looked positively livid; a very bizarre look for him considering that he was an ice Elementalist. I had to cover my mouth to stop myself from laughing out loud.

All three of them were leaving through the entrance and I quickly sign my name on the sign-out sheet before making my way out. I kept a fair distance behind Fred Bowen, so it wouldn’t look suspicious; hopefully everyone was in an excited mood and nobody had questioned why I was not with my friends.

It was a beautiful day, not a cloud in sight with the temperate below 20 degree Celsius. It reminded me a lot of my last day in London Citybase. My mind began to wonder; were my parents doing okay? How was little Dan? Has he grown taller? And Elizabeth, was she okay? I got some e-mails from her time to time, has she moved on? What about Viktor? The head boy that was willing to sacrifice himself to safe the rest of us. If it weren’t for him I probably wouldn’t be here.

I strode along the meandered path, which lead through the school garden and out to the gates. The school itself is very secluded and the only way to enter was by air; consequently, the only way to get out of here was by flying.

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