Chapter 19 Ready or Not

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Hey guys :)) here is an early upload because I am going to be away the whole of next week. And I might not be able to write during that time either. So the next upload might be late :((

Anyway this chapter is dedicated to River5 for being such a supportive reader!


‘Run faster!’ Diego barked, pushing us forward in the torrential rain. I was completely dredged from top to bottom, and yes, even my underwear. Sweeping my fringe aside I tried to wipe off some precipitation off my face, knowing that it would be covered again in less than three seconds.

Diego refused to tell us the details of this plan, claiming that it was top secret and that the less we know about it the better. He also said he would reveal the plan to us on the day of the game and mean while we would just have to trust him and take on the training.

Rolling my eyes at the stupidity of the whole thing I kept up with my fellow teammates nonetheless.

It was already the week of the game, and we had done nothing but gone through a gazillions fitness and endurance exercise. We also sparred with each other using our powers and I made sure not to do anything that was not considered normal here.

‘Alright, time for a rest.’ Diego shouted, waving his hand and the whole place turned pitch black before illuminating up again showing the stimulation room. I let out a sigh of relieved and shook myself to get rid of the still-real feeling of moisture lingering on my skin.

‘Come on Abby, it wasn’t that bad.’ A guy came forward and slung his arm over my shoulder. I turned and rolled my eyes at Nate, no matter how many times I tried to correct him he stilled insisted on calling me Abby.

It turns out that Nate’s power is force field, which is basically a mind wall but produced through the mean of controlling energy (that’s what he said, I don’t understand it at all). He was very good at it too, creating fields of different shapes and sizes for different purpose.

He is also easy to get along with, once you get past his flirty comments and the slightly cocky attitude. I pushed his arms off me and sauntered over to Holly’s side.

‘Stop bothering her Nate, you know she would never be interested in you.’ Holly teased; she was from London Citybase as well, but from District 7. Her power was cool, but scary. She can induce pain on others through her mind. Of course, the person could try and block it out, but it depends heavily on ones metal strength and with the element of surprise, She could usually take her opponent down quickly.

‘I still have you though, right?’ Nate said, coming up and twirl a strand of Holly’s mocha brown hair. She swatted his hand away and ruffled his hair.

‘You wish.’ She said, her grey eyes twinkling in amusement. Those two bickers a lot, apparently they came to POE Academy around the same time and have been good friends since. Despite Nate’s continuous flirting.

‘Stop harassing the ladies, Nate.’ Owen said, slapping his shoulder making a loud smack. ‘You will scare them away from the rest of us.’

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