Chapter 14 Out of Control

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Hey guys :) finally an upload to schedule! Just to warn you that I will have my exams next week and then I will be off for my field trip for 2 weeks where there is NO INTERNET! And I won't have time to write during that time either so it'll have to be end of May till i post again. But I will try and squeeze in another chapter before I am off.

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'Have a seat.' Mr Andrewson said, I blinked my eyes and realised that the room was rapidly transforming itself to a classroom. I looked behind me and found a chair had appeared from nowhere.

Taking a seat I found that Mr Andrewson had conjured up a chair for himself too and were now also seated. The room was bland, white walls; white tiled floors, no window. It was starting to make me even more unsettle.

'Miss Beckett, may I ask why are you keeping your mind reading skill a secret?' He asked, his fingers intertwining under his chin as he looked at me intently.

'Erm...' I fumbled a little. To be honest I didn't really knew why myself. 'I guess I just don't like to have all my cards on display.' I replied eventually, 'It's always good to keep something up your sleeves. Just in case.'

Mr Andrewson smiled, I mean, really smile upon hearing my answer. It was like he was amused by it. 'That,' He said, 'Is very wise of you.'

Taking that as approval I returned his smile. Was that all he wanted to talk to me about? My legs shifted around on the ground waiting to move.

'Now, onto another topic.' He said, leaning forward on his chair towards me even though we were a good few meters apart. 'Your power.'

My heart felt like it was on a roller coaster. What about my power? Was I going to end up spontaneous combusting like many others before me who couldn't control their power? Or they were going to lock me up in a cell to study me?

'Your power was far stronger than any POEs I have ever encounter.' Mr Andrewson said in a dead serious tone. 'Your power seems unlimited. I would like you to have extra lessons with me to develop those power safely.'

I blinked, relieved flooded through my body as his words sink in. I wasn't going to get lock up or explode. 'Of course.' I replied way too fast, happy to say yes to anything that didn't involve the aforementioned scenario.

'What did you mean by my power seem unlimited. I am not going to explode, am I?' I asked, Mr Andrewson smiled as he stood up from his chair.

'Exactly what the words suggested. And don't worry, you control your power well.' He said, giving me a mysterious smile. ' Telepathy is a very board term for a wide range of powers associated with the brain. Most of us only have the mutation that allow us to have one of those. But you, Miss Beckett, you seem to be able to do them all.'

An indescribable feeling spread through my body as I took in his words. A mixture of awe, excitement and fear.

'Is this, a good thing?' I asked, all of sudden feeling very vulnerable. Mr Andrewson laughed and shook his head.

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