Chapter 26 Don't

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The scenes from New Year’s Eve formal continued to plague my mind long after the event itself, especially my encounter with Katarina Falcon. Every time I recalled her words, an unease feeling will grow in my stomach. Despite my attempts to think as little of it as possible, it continued to nag at me in the corner of my mind.

Other than that, things had fallen back into a routine after the holiday. It was just school, homework and hanging out. Weekspast by and I found myself getting better at pushing Katarina’s words further and further back into my mind; however, that soon became the least of my worries.

After my exchange with Katarina I went straight back to my room, so I missed it; but according to Elise, who rushed back into the room at some point after midnight, Fred Bowen had caused another scene at the formal.

Apparently, he froze this guy from the Physical’s section into an icy statue next to the refreshment table, whom I happened to know was the guy who asked Natalie for the first dance.

What a weird coincident.

Later, when I oh-so-casually mentioned this to Natalie, she simply blushed and tried to change the subject. Seriously, I had no idea what Natalie see in that guy, she is the walking example of loveliness while he is… okay, I better not say the word.

However, it was in my nature to help all lovebirds in need, especially since Natalie had been such a good friend to me. As for Fred Bowen, maybe having a girlfriend will change him for the better; if not, I would just stick to my original plan and kick his butt.

It took me a while to figure out what’s stopping Fred and Natalie getting together. I mean, it was pretty obvious that the two of them fancy each other for some unfathomable reason; and it turned out to be a slightly trifle matter (or maybe not in the mind of Bowen).

You see, being the school’s renowned bad-boy and the leader of the locals, he wasn’t so keen on people finding out that he fell for a transfer (that’s what they call the rest of us who aren’t born into a POE family). So basically it was just him who was standing between the two of them; since I was pretty certain that no one else in the school would actually come out against Fred Bowen on the matter of his choice of girlfriend. Besides, transfers make up 80% of the school, and no one apart from his little gang has a problem with us.

So really, all I needed to do was get Fred Bowen to let go of his ego and admit his feeling towards Natalie, which is easier said than done. However, I have formulated a plan that might just do the trick, but that would take time, and a volunteer.

When I was scouring for the view of other students on the matter of Fred Bowen and Natalie, I found out that Iago’s teasing about Tom, Diego and me was actually a shared view upon the students. You would not believe the amount of people that were obsessing over the matter of our ‘love triangle’ that simply did not exist. It was downright weird to see my life through someone else’s prespective.

I mentally ran through my interaction with the two of them and decided it would be wise to keep my distance for a while. After all my reputation of ‘the tough new girl’ could only hold off their crazy fans for so long. I don’t think my power can match their sheer number.

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