Chapter 7 Tests

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sorry for my late update, this chapter is slightly longer to make up for it :) to those of you who care it was my birthday :D so I had been kinda going out a lot last week! but will try to stick to one upload per week!

also I am working on a new romance short story! hoping to get it out for valentines day :)) but progress is slow :(

dedicated to EnchantingFearless - thank you for being so supportive of this story :)

and please comment and vote!


I followed Mr Morris across the school, which was every bit as gorgeous as the great hall and stepped into a more modern area. We didn't seemed to walk past any classrooms but I could hear the sound of teaching drifting into the hallways.

We walked into one of rooms and I caught a glimpse of a metal plaque on the door declaring this as the Office of Hamish Morris. Ah, so we are talking in his office, not some lab.

I felt slightly relieved at that thought, so they weren't mad scientists trying to dissect me. And then it occurred to me, they are probably POE as well, otherwise why would they teach POEs here?

Sitting down in front his office table I watched as Mr Morris opened the metal cabinets on the side looking for forms required for me to read (no, I wasn't reading his mind, better be careful, I just knew because he was thinking about it and I caught a wave, it's kind of like his brain was emitting signals and I received some).

He took out a few forms from the cabinets before slamming it close and settling down on the other side of the desk. He shuffled around his desk locating a pen and then turned up to look at me.

'I am Mr Morris, I teach Evolution Science here and I am also the head of admission.' He said to me with a smile. I nodded, still a bit nervous being in a strange environment and he continued. 'So now we have to go through a few forms and you just need to answer my questions.'

Again I nodded and he pulled out one of the forms in front of him. 'So what is your date of birth and where were you born?'

'I was born on 30th June 2299 in District 9 London Hospitals.' I replied, twisting the hem of my shirt , I never liked one-to-one with any teachers, especially not when I am not reading their minds .

'And your parents are?' He asked.

'Richard Beckett and Amelia Beckett.' I replied immediately and he jolted them down in the form. It's not like they wouldn't know, they must have my permanent record somewhere in those cabinet.

'So when did you find out about your power? And to what extent can you use them? It is really important that you tell me the truth, otherwise it can be a danger to you or others in the future.' Mr Morris said, I gulped, that sounded scary, I never heard about that before. Then I remembered what Nigel thought the moment he found out when I discovered my power, he said it has been a long time since a rogue this power had been discovered that had survived this long.

'I found out when I was three, I moved my teddy bear away from my brother, but I didn't really realise what I could do until I was five.' I decided that it was probably best to tell the truth, since I don't know anything about POE at all. Mr Morris kept his face and his mind blank so I couldn't tell what he made of the situation. He must had knew I could read mind and did something to prevent it. Dammit. I guess I had to tell the whole truth now.

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