Chapter 4 POE

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Hey guys happy christmas holiday :D I will be going home on tuesday whoop whoop! Hopefully I will get more time to write during christmas. Oh and it SNOWED! so exciting. anyway onto the more important stuff - new chappie is here :)


'what does that mean?' I asked, having heard that term twice already. The lawyer was still outside making his phone call. It wasn't hard to figure out that he must be calling the POE Academy, whatever that is.

'It stands for Protectors of Earth.' Nigel said, watching me closely. My eyebrows jolted up in surprise, that's a real flashy name. Can't they just stuck to mutates like X-men? At least that's an actual word. 'I know, weird name right? They named the Originals that as a thank you to saving mankind.'

'Originals?' I asked, catching the abnormal word. Nigel chuckled at me.

'Sometimes I forget how little the outside world knows about us.' He said, I felt a shiver down my spine when he said the word us. Us. I am one of them now, aren't I?

'They were the first POEs, the ones who saved us from near extinction when the volcanoes and earthquakes hit. The ones who helped restore balance and protect us from the Legres.' He said, each sentence more shocking than the next one. 'Otherwise why would the grade S Legres in Africa and South America stop migrating all over the continents?'

'They knew that they were not alone in this world, so they set up a school to teach those who are like them.' Nigel carried on explaining. 'A school for children and teenagers like you.'

It wasn't necessary for him to say any more for me to understand that I would be going to this 'Academy' soon.

Very soon.

My heart sank through the bottom of my feet. I didn't want to leave, I struggled with myself for a few moments. I wasn't ready to say goodbye to my family, or my friends for that matter. But I guess it's for the best. If I don't go, I would have to explain what happened to everyone who saw me using my power during the evacuation. Also, I am really, really curious about others like me, and frankly, I was just relieved that I wasn't going to be locked up forever and be a lab rat. I mean, Nigel is a POE, and he is walking around pretty freely.

Nigel smiled at me and ruffled my hair before standing up. I scrowled at him and ran my fingers through my hair trying to smooth the knots out.

'it's good to talk to someone who actually doesn't scream bloody murder, break down or try to kill me.' He said, I couldn't help but rolled my eyes at him. 'You will be transported to your home to say goodbye to your family, and then you are to leave for POE Academy tomorrow morning, and starts school right away. You have already missed a month, so hopefully you can catch up with the work.'

I could feel my jaws dropping open in shock. I had to leave, TOMORROW? I guessed it's only logical to do so, I mean, I am discovered, and therefore 'dangerous'. But wow, tomorrow. Tomorrow. I will be in a completely different place, with people who are like me. Crap.

'You will get use to it, it's not like you will never see them again.' Nigel said as he was leaving through the door, pausing ever so quickly. 'but there is no guarantees.'

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