Chapter 5 Goodbyes

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So sorry! this chapter is overdue for a LONG time! But I was caught up in society activities and well, Christmas, and then I have my exams. But everything is more or less done now! So hopefully I will get back on schedule with this story <3

so how do everyone think about the cast change? Would you like Sarah Bolger or Shaileen Woodley as Abigail better? I was thinking about Willa holland as well. Give a shout about your preference!


'Hello Abigail.' a voice said, scaring me so much that I nearly jumped out of my skin. I didn't remember hearing the door being open at all. I turned around slowly to see a woman staring right at me.

She was one of the most beautiful woman I have ever seen, with dark auburn hair that curl nicely and pretty blue eyes. She was dressed in a nice shirt and black suit trousers and smiling at me nicely.

'Hi.' I managed to answer back. She looked like one of those big movie stars, and she probably would be one if the World Enders didn't drop off.

'Hi, I am Miss Sewell. I know you must be really confuse and reluctant to leave right now. I don't know how much Nigel and the Mayor of London had told you, but I am here to explain things to you properly and talk about the cover story you need to tell your parents.'

I nodded, she smiled satisfyingly at me, probably just glad that I wasn't screaming or doing anything out of control like Nigel said the others had done before me.

'OK, so the story we will be telling your parents would be that you fainted during the evacuation when the Legre tried to attack you, but thankfully the police arrived in time and you were unharmed. Then you were taken to the hospital where you went through some detailed medical checks to make sure you were alright, and the doctors found out from your CAT scan that you have a much higher IQ than average people, so they called the School of Medical and Science and we flew in to see you, and we were so please with you that we decided to offer you a place. But the problem was that the waiting list for next year was so long that you had to either start right away or not at all. It would be obvious that you parents would be willing to let you go if you said you wanted to go.' Miss Sewell said in one long paragraph. I nodded at her now and then as she spoke to show that I was up to pace with what she was saying.

The School of Medical and Science is the top institute for any students all around the world nowadays. It focused on training the brightest young people from all over the world with the top technologies in the world. It produces the best doctors, surgeons and researchers in the entire world. It was the school that every parents dream their kids would get into to get out of poverty and reach the top of the pyramids.

I actually dream about going there before, studying genetics and mutation so that I could become a researcher to help the poor handicapped young children in the hospitals and also to understand the reason behind my power. It's kind of funny how I would be pretending to go there now but instead would be going to an Academy for people like me.

I knew my parents would be overjoyed by the news and let me go, even though I had to go immediately and they would miss me terribly. But they still have Dan and they knew a chance like these would probably not happen again. that's because it's not even true.

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