Tori Jones: Chapter 3

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"Tori" .......

I hear Violet yells my name down the hall in my apartment.

How the hell did she get in?

"I'm in here!" I yell from my bedroom.

Seconds later she stands in my door way.

She was looking gorgeous as always.
She wears a ocean blue short dress which compliments her caramel like skin tone very well. Her hair were braided back in cornrows with the gold beads shining on each end of the braids. Her body alone was to die for

"What are you looking at ?" She ask noticing that I was staring at her

"My body needs to get like yours on my wedding day."  I said sitting on the floor with my back against my bed with a vanilla and chocolate mix ice cream bowl between my legs.

Violet smirk and walk over to me and bend down and take the ice cream bowl away from me.

"Well first you're already beautiful. Now that's gona go out the window if you keep eating this big bowl of ice cream, cause you won't be able to fit in that dress next month" she said and we both laugh.

"What dress? I haven't pick one out yet." I confess

"WHAT!!?? Tori!!! Your wedding is next month. Not even, literally couple of weeks. What you mean you don't have your damn dress yet!?" Violent says loud and shock.

I took a deep breath and decide to tell my girl what's up

"I'm not sure if I'm ready for this wife thing Violet. I'm not sure what I'm suppose to do or how I go bout things. I'm kind of scared to be honest with you. And how do I jungle being a wife, dentist, and a preacher all at once."

"Well Tori, you have to...." Violet starts to say

"That's not all Violet. It's Benson." I said putting my head down

"What about Beson?" 

"They let him out of jail. And he's coming for Noah..... Next month.... On our wedding day!"

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