Leilani Lubin: Chapter 5

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"No I cannot go to diner tonight with y'all."  I said to my home girl Tatiana on the phone

"Why not?" She ask
"Cause I'm on my way right now to bring Aiden to Bryson house cause I'm picking up an extra shift tonight."  I explain.

I break as I approach a red light then take a look back at my sleeping 3 year old son Aiden.

"He looks just like his dad." I thought to myself.

"Can't you guys just change the diner date to this weekend? Who goes out during the week anyways?" I question Tatiana

She hesitates

"Yeah you right, I'll call the girls and let them know."

"Yeah I'll call you back before I go to work, I just got to Bryson house." I said to Tatiana then hang up the phone.

I took sleeping Aiden and walk towards my boyfriend's front door.  

I walk in and there sat five young guys with saggy pants, horribly done tattoos, cheap golds, chips and soda all over the floor and couch.
The house smells like spoiled food and sweat.

Bryson eyes popped out of its sockets when he saw me with Aiden hung over my shoulder slump.

He made his way over to me. His eyes red as if he hadn't slept in days. Even when he was surrounded with all this mess, he still manage to look good. He was shirtless, so it was really hard to be mad at him right now while his muscular biceps lure me in.

I quickly gathered my thoughts and ask

"What the fuck is this?"

"Babe why you didn't tell me you was coming over ?" He ask looking a little concern about something

"Oh! So now I have to make a appointment with you for when I'm coming over???....... What? you got some other girl up in here? Or is your under age young fellas more important?" I said sizing the little boys across the room.

"No it's not that babe. I just would have clean up a little bit if I knew you was bringing Aiden over." He said

"Well he's staying with you tonight cause I'm picking an extra shift tonight. My partner is on vacation and you know I don't fuck with the other police officers, I rather do the job alone." I said

He give me this look.
I know that look.
That's that I can't and I won't look

"What's more important than your son Bryson?" I said getting real annoyed

"I got stuff tonight babe"

"What you got Bryson!?" I said my voice increasing volume

He notice how my hand balls up to a fist which is a habit I have when I'm getting angered.

"Babe nothing and no one is more important than you or Aiden. No one and nothing will ever fulfill the spots you two have. And you know that. We go through this before. And you know y'all will always come first. So chill ma. Just have Violet or Tori watch Aiden tonight, you know they will be happy to. Just don't give my son to that crazy bitch Elisha." He said

He leans in and kiss me.

Damn he making this too easy for himself.

I smile and said "Alright" 

"Oh and Bryson?"

"Yes bae" he answers

"Why does the house smell like smoke again?"

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