Idiotic Duo - What's In The Sky?

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[ A Month Later ]

There was nothing I hated more, than waking up to the smell of burning food. Groaning in irritation I jerked myself out of bed half dressed, and hauled myself down stairs to see Milo doing his best to make toast and eggs, burning the toast and over cooking the eggs. Sighing, I placed my forehead against the door frame with irritation.

Milo had been my flat mate for a while now, about a year? He'd been in the paper looking for a lodger and at the time I was lucky enough to have cash on me to pay rent. He was a daft little lad. Short, but not to short. In my mind I assumed the reason he was so terrible at cooking was his height. He couldn't exactly see much of the stove top seeing the stove came up to the middle of his stomach, well, a little higher than the middle. "What the hell are you doing?" I breathed out in a yawn, stretching myself out against the wall.

Turning around in surprise, Milo dropped the burnt toast he hand in his hands against the floor. "Cara!" He squeaked. "I just thought, I'd make you breakfast! You got back really late last night and I didn't know if you had eaten anything." A blush covered Milo's cheeks as he bent down quickly to pick up the ruined toast and I smirked.

Milo knew very well about what I did, who I was. He was the only one who knew. The reason he knew was because a while back I brought him face to face with danger and nearly got him killed. That was the day I stopped lying to him. I valued him dearly. He was my only friend. "Here," Sighing, I stepped forward and threw the toast away as well as the eggs before restarting what he'd tried to do.

Soon enough the both of us sat at the table eating eggs and toast for breakfast without a care in the world. Sipping the orange juice I held in my hand, Milo was smiling like a fool. "So, tell me some stuff about your adventures, saving the world!" Eager to know I chuckled at the excited boy.

"Well," I swallowed the food I had in my mouth. "Last month I met some strange duo. This woman named Rose and her boyfriend, she called him..a Doctor." Shrugging my shoulders, Milo was looking at me while I spoke with his chin propped up on his hand, his elbow on the table. "The library where the activity was going on? Yeah well, that's where they were. Both of them were inside the library with Weeping Angels! Angels for godds sake!" I admit, I was still angry about the whole thing.

"When I told them to run, they didn't. When I told them to leave, they didn't! It's like they wanted to die! And the stupid Doctor man? He knew about the Angels." Milo's eyes went wide. "Yeah, that was my reaction to. He knew about the Angels and so did his stupid little girlfriend." growling, I took a bite of my toast, huffing with irritation. "They ruined my plan and we almost got killed."

Before I had a chance to continue spilling about the stupid duo couple, my vortex manipulator began to beep. Milo frowned softly looking at my arm as I opened the flap to see what was going on. "You have to go again..don't you." The sadness on Milo's face made me frown. "It's fine..go ahead. I'll be here when you get back. If you even make it back this time.." Watching him, Milo stood and started to do the dishes and I sighed.

Standing to my feet, I walked over and stood beside him. "Milo, come on you know this is what I do, you know I'd take you with me if I could but it's too dangerous. I already almost got you killed in the past, and I don't want to take any chances. Okay?"

"I never know if you're alive or dead when you're gone! Sometimes, you're gone for days!"

My eyes went wide at Milo's response and I immediately felt ashamed of neglecting our friendship. "Listen," My hand touched his arm softly as my vortex manipulator began to beep again. "I promise I'll take you with me one day to see some kick ass aliens, alright? Just, it's not always easy to know what I'm going up against. I don't want to take you with me and lose you, get you killed."

Milo had tears in his eyes as he did the dishes and didn't dare turn his head to look at me. "You could die out there and I'd never know.."

He had a point. Sighing, I wrote something down on the palm of his hand after he finished washing the plates. "This is a direct link to my vortex manipulator. You can call me on it and I'll be able to speak to you through it okay?" Milo wiped his eyes and gave a soft smile.

"You're a Timelord yeah? Why don't you travel to other planets anymore?" Milo spoke up holding his hand close to his chest as I looked over the readings on the vortex manipulator again. Something big was over Earth, hovering. But what was it?

"Because, I've made it my duty to protect Earth, the human race. But if you want a trip in time and space to make up for all the times I've left you here scared, then I'll do it. For you." Giving a smile to Milo, his frown turned up fast into a huge happy grin. "I'll see you soon okay? And phone me if you get scared or catch the house on fire."

Rolling his eyes, Milo nodded as I kissed his head and grabbed my coat running outside before slamming my finger on the green button of my wrist band and found myself appearing in an alley way in London. Smack dab in the middle of London. Confusion instantly filled my face as I looked around to see no one in panic. Walking out into the crowds, I looked upwards towards the sky to see..nothing. Nothing was there!

Shaking my head in confusion I looked back at the wrist band and re-read what it said. There was definitely something up there, but what? What was up there? "What the hell could have that much power to shield it's self away from view? That's a lot of power.." Mumbling to myself I stepped around through the crowds trying to figure out what the hell was going on. My eyes scanned through the crowds of people looking for anything unusual.

"You've got to be kidding me.."

Right as I turned on my heel to face the other direction, there they were. Those two idiotic humans, working their way through the crowds in my direction. Luckily they didn't see me right away and I stepped up to them growling. The Doctor mans face filled with shock as I gripped him by his tie. "Oi!" Rose barked as I shot her a glare before glaring at the brown haired idiot. 

"Why the hell are you following me!?"

The 'Doctor' was trying to get out of my grasp. "We weren't following you! It looks like you're following us!" He was right with that even though it wasn't the truth. I just happened to show up in the library right after him, and here..right after him. 

Shaking my head I glared as people stared at us. "Why were you in that library?" I barked. "Why are you here?" Before the Doctor man had a chance to explain why he was in both places, the same places I'd been at the exact same time, people broke out into screams as the sound of a weapon went off. 

The Doctor and I looked around in panic as Rose looked terrified, my hand releasing the Doctor's tie as I opened my vortex manipulator scanning the area. Before even being able to get all of the readings, a voice I recognized so well echoed from inside the crowds of screaming people. "Doctor..what is that?" Rose's panicked voice echoed from behind me.


Out of the crowd rolled the creature, the alien that had destroyed my home planet, killed all of my people, and left me alone in the universe. Rage built up in my stomach, my entire body grew tense with anger as I hissed through my teeth watching the alien shoot at more innocent people.

"It's a Dalek." 

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