1890s - Awaken

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I'm on fire with updates you guys. Enjoy, please leave a comment! feedback is appreciated, and please. Vote! This is just another little filler thing! I hope you truly enjoy it all the feed back as been absolutely amazing!  Caramillia is so Awkward in this and you'll understand why shes so awkward with this type of relationship stuff in the next chapter! 

There was something comforting about sleeping in the bed that belonged to the Doctor. It was warm, a spot that I felt I should be in. With scents of stars and dust after rain, the Doctor's bed tangled me in soft, warm, comfort throughout the night as my dreams played out stories of childhood games. 

Dreams of Gallifrey played on my mind as I slept soundly through the night in the comforting grasp of the Doctor's blankets, the warmth. Images of my family dancing on the fields, my mother and father holding one another, loving one another as they should be, as they did. 

For the first time in a long time, a good dream had made its way into my mind that made me not want to wake up the next day. Seeing my mother and father so happy, my brother alive and well. But unfortunately sleep couldn't last forever.

My pale, blue, violet clouded eyes slowly looked up to gaze at the interior of the Doctor's room which was lit up by the TARDIS just slightly as my eyes opened. There were blue prints, plans, drawings of creatures, it was almost like a scrap book had been torn apart and plastered on the walls. Glancing around I looked at the desk in the corner of the room, gazing at the piles of books stacked all over the floor, surprised I hadn't noticed them the night before when he brought me in here.

Speaking of him, as I took a deep breath I could feel the weight of the Doctor's arm around my waist. the warmth of his skin was against mine through thin layers of fabric that kept us clothed throughout the night. My cheeks turned a light pink as I smiled to myself, my hand moving to rest over the Doctor's as it dangled over my right hip. Turning myself slowly, I now had my face to his chest, letting his arm droop back around my hips as I looked up at his sleeping face. Something I had never seen that actually intrigued me. 

Not able to help myself, I let out a small laugh at the soft snores that slipped from his slightly agape mouth, reaching and wiping a bit of drool off his chin, giving a gentle sigh. "What a nerd." wiping my hand off on the Doctor's shirt, seeing I didn't want his slobber all over me, I slowly slipped myself out of bed, carefully as to not wake him up.

My feet were silent as they touched the floor, and I looked down to see my leg was only a day away from being completely healed. There wouldn't be a scar. Luckily the healing process of a Timelord was triple that of a humans so my leg would now be able to bear my weight as I stood up.

Touching at the stitches I was quiet as I walked towards the bedroom door, looking back at the sleeping Doctor with a smile. Gazing at his beautiful room interior, I slowly slipped out the door and let it softly latch behind me.

What ever was going on with the Doctor and I, I just hope it wouldn't all fall to pieces. We were the last two Timelords left in existence, and a war between the two of us would rip galaxies apart.

Making my way to the dressing room I took my time looking for appropriate clothing. Something that wouldn't be too revealing, but something that also wasn't too concealing. If the Doctor and I decided to go anywhere today I wanted to at least show off my new stitches. They looked pretty wicked. 

Shuffling through isles and isles of clothing I finally found something that served a good purpose to my want to show off my thighs new temporary tattoo. Grabbing a hanger from the rack, I grinned, grabbing a few needed items to go along with the new outfit. "Perfecto." Biting my tongue between my teeth, I made my way to change.

[A Few Moments Later..]

Tying the laces to the converse shoes I had snatched from the closet, I made my way towards the console room with a hum on my lips. The shorts I wore fell just above where the stitches either ended or begun, a beautiful blue jean shade as I fixed the long sleeve shirt I had tossed on. It was a causal grey looking thing, but I didn't care. I just cared that I had found something short enough and still appropriate to show off the stitch work of the Doctor's hand.

Walking down the stairs to the console as I picked a piece of fuzz off the edge of my new shirt, I was surprised to see the Doctor standing at the console, already changed and ready to start the day. While I still had yet to put my hair up in a pony tail. "Oh, well. Good morning." Looking up at me, the Doctor pulled a smile as he looked at the clothing I had on.


Looking down I smiled. "Yeah! I want to show these stitches off. I've only got them in until tomorrow, so I might as well show 'em off while I can." Walking over, I joined the Doctor beside the console, starting to bite my lip. I had questions. A few questions actually. "So uh.." I started off, looking at him with gentle eyes. "You kissed me.."

Turning his head away from the monitor he was staring at a light blush hit the old mans cheeks. "Yes. I did." He swallowed. "And you kissed back." He was right, I sure as hell did kiss him back as deeply as I could, and in the most appropriate way for the situation we had been stuck in. "Is there something wrong?"

Shaking my head quickly I looked up at him. "No! No there isn't anything wrong but I just.."


Those big brown eyes were staring at me softly. "Just. What do you want to do now? You kissed me, was it just a kiss out of ... you know. The rush of it all? Or was it something else." The Doctor gave a gentle smile at my words as I spoke to him, and I felt my cheeks heating up. This was the man who had nearly gotten me killed by weeping angels, and then daleks. He helped me get rid of my best friends dead body, but still, nearly got me killed more than one time in the past when we'd first met. Now, here we were however long after all that, and he was kissing me. Plus, he was also a Timelord.

"Well..I want it to mean something. Do you want it to mean something?" He questioned as he started to dance around the console, pushing buttons and pulling levers on the machine. 

"Obviously." I blurted out as I followed him around the console. "But I just didn't expect this with you, or anyone." Shrugging my shoulders, I cleared my throat. "Does this make us a ..a couple? Like, you know. Two people. Together." Even though these were hard and embarrassing questions for me, the Doctor couldn't help but chuckle at the way I explained things.

"Do you want to be a couple, Caramillia?"

Gritting my teeth together I knew I was blood red in the cheeks. "I asked you first." Walking back over as I stopped in my tracks on the opposite side of the console, the Doctor reached in front of me and grabbed a lever switch. 

Pulling it down the TARDIS began to shake and shiver, going off into flight. "Yes." He said softly. "Yes, because you are a woman with hearts bigger than my own, and you have..shown me that there is more to my life in personal manners. You've shown me that through all of the bad things I have done in my past, that I am still a man, and that I am not a bad one at that." Blushing was stupid, I hated blushing, but here I was blushing like a fool.

"I'm glad that I make you feel that way, every word I've ever spoke to you has been true. Especially, those." Pushing a piece of loose hair back from my face, I tied what I could up into a ponytail and looked up at him with a swallow. "So, you want to be a couple?"

"well I've given you my answer..what's yours."

Raising a brow at me, I cleared my throat. "Yes. I am willing to give it a shot." The Doctor flashed me a smile, giving a soft nod as the TARDIS rocked us around.

"Good." He spoke softly.

"Good. Oh and Doctor?" I called out as the TARDIS landed.


Smirking, I stepped over and rested a hand on his chest. "Just because we're giving it a shot, doesn't mean I'm going to stop picking on you."

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