Ginger? - Wake Up

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Two updates in one day, pretty fantastic isn't it? We are now starting the goodbye of Rose Tyler! And soon enough, the Regeneration of the Doctor himself (; Lots in store so please vote, comment. Everything!

Pain. Irritation.

Regeneration was a painful, irritating process. Every cell in your body jolted and changed. Every speck of phenotype DNA was transformed into something new. Your skin stretched and pulled to coat a taller, smaller, thicker, or thinner form. Hair fell out and grew back in in different ways. Bones grew in length or shortened. The entire process was painful, but was always over in a flash.

Falling to my hands and knees, my brand new fingers tangled in the green grass. My hearing was back, I could see again. Walk, breathe, talk. "Cara?" The Doctor's voice echoed from behind me as I worked on catching my breath. My fingers were long, pale. My skin was so much paler than before hand. "Cara, are you alright?" Hearing the Doctor's voice for a second time, I stood myself to my feet, nearly losing my balance.

The only thing keeping me from falling over was the Doctor. One hand rested against my hip as the other grasped my shoulder to keep me standing on my jell-o legs. Looking up at him a blush covered his cheeks, and Rose stepped forward in worry. "I'm fine-- Oh. Oh new teeth." Dragging my tongue against the front side of my teeth as I spoke, I noticed my new accent. I was Scottish. Looking up at the Doctor I gave a smile. "I'm brilliant." Laughing softly, my eyes fluttered shut from the exhaustion of it all as I collapsed against the Doctor's chest. Fast asleep.

[ A Few Days Later ]

Regeneration really tired you out. It stripped away every ounce of energy you had and often left you sleeping for days on end. When the Doctor had caught me in his arms, I knew well that he had taken Rose and myself into the TARDIS and tucked me away to rest without a bother. The only reason I knew this for certain is because when my eyes managed to open up two days after my painful regeneration, I was tucked away in bed.

Sitting myself up I got to my feet, I felt more balanced than I had been two days prior to now. I was shorter than I had been. I was no longer 5"8 I was only 5"3. The size of a small child. Walking across the wooden floor I stopped myself in front of the mirror that was pinned up on the wall of the room I had been staying in. "Ginger?!" I shouted, staring at myself in shock. "I get the Scottish accent, I get the Ginger hair!?" My hands reached up to tug on my long locks of Ginger hair. How unbelievable! A Ging?! Me?!

Shaking my head I began to look at my other characteristics. "Beautiful teeth if I do say so myself..Eyes. Wow." The iris of my eyes were a beautiful blue with clouds of violet spun around inside. "" Stepping back I spun around. Of course, the vortex manipulator was still burnt into my body. I was thin, short, and ginger. What a wonderful combination. Rushing into the closet I had to hurry and find where the Doctor was. What had happened to all the Agn?

Rushing out of the closet in a pair of jeans, converse, and a plain green long sleeved shirt, I ran off to find the Doctor standing at his console as always. He must've heard my heavy foot steps because he turned around with a soft smile. "Hello, CJ." The Doctor spoke, flipping a switch on his beautiful machine.

"The Agn." I spoke without giving the Doctor a chance to say anything else. "What happened to them?"

Giving a sad smile towards me the Doctor shook his head. "The explosion killed them all. There was nothing we could've done to stop that. The Agn are extinct." My two hearts ached, carrying the weight of another dead race besides my own wasn't exactly easy. Walking down the the console, I pulled my hair back into a hair tie. "Ginger eh?" The Doctor chuckled to hopefully coat the obvious sadness I wore. "I like it, you look fantastic." Looking up at him I gave him a smile.

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