Idiotic Duo - Timelord?

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This was going to be how I died. By the hands of my enemies. My eyes remained shut as I stood there, waiting. Just waiting to here the sound of the Dalek's weapon systems firing at me. Waiting to feel the pain of the deathly Dalek shot. This was it. This was my death.


The sound of the alien firing its weapon echoed loudly, but so did something else. "Cara! No!" In a matter of seconds I found myself being tackled to the ground by the Doctor. The air was knocked from my lungs as the Doctor reached into his pocket and pulled out a silver wand looking thing and pushed a button on the side. 

A buzzing sound that echoed loudly, rippled from the tip of the wand which had a bright blue glowing light on it, and the Dalek burst into flames. "Mal-Func-Tion!" The Dalek screamed as my eyes were glued to the sonic device in the Doctor's hands. It was sonic screwdriver..

Looking up at the Doctor my eyes were wide and that's when I noticed I could feel his heart, no hearts, beating against my hands that rested against his chest since he was squishing me down against the pavement. "Impossible.." I muttered shaking my head in disbelief. 

This man was a Timelord. "How do you think I feel.." The Doctor muttered back as he jerked me up off the ground by his hand as the Dalek regained its ability to fire its weaponry systems and started to come back after us. "Run!" The Doctor screamed as his hand locked tight in mine, my eyes still wide in shock. He was a Timelord. A breathing Timelord..but how? How?!

Dragging me along by his hand, the Doctor ran us both towards a blue police box that rested on the corner of the street and when we got close enough I heard it. I heard the sound of a TARDIS. I could hear the purring sounds of the engines and feel the vibrations from the machine in the ground. "It's a TARDIS.." I mumbled to myself in complete shock.

Snapping his fingers, the doors slung open at the Doctor's unspoken command. "No!" I cried out. "No wait!" I screamed as I ran back to where we just were. Scooping Milo into my arms. "I can't forget him I won't. I can't!" As the Dalek fired once again at me, I ducked just in time as I sped off back towards the Doctor who was waiting for me.

"Hurry!" He screamed as the Dalek continued to try and exterminate the both of us.

Ducking into the TARDIS with Milo in my arms, The Doctor shut the doors of his machine as I stormed up the stairs. "It's a real TARDIS. A real one." I said in disbelief as I laid Milo down on the floor. "I'm not alone.." I was speaking mainly to myself as tears continued to slip down my cheeks as I looked at Milo, brushing his hair from his face.

Glancing around the Doctor's ship, there were wires hanging from the ceiling, a beautiful glass rotor in the middle of the console. The whole ship was beautiful. "The Dalek, what're we going to do about the Dalek?!" Rose cried out as on the monitor of the Doctor's TARDIS, you could see the Dalek outside awaiting one of us to exit.

My eyes darted over to the Doctor. "Status field bubble." I spat out and the Doctor looked at me. "Lock it in a status field bubble and then use your TARDIS to send it out into the void." The Doctor didn't even say anything before he started dancing around the controls.

"Give me a hand, will you?" He begged me.

It only took me seconds to scan over all the controls of the TARDIS the Doctor owned, before my hands started to work away, pushing buttons and pulling levers in every direction. Rose was standing in shock of my actions. "Ready?" I called out. My finger hovering over the button.


With the Okay from the Doctor my finger smashed the button and we all gathered around the monitor and watched as a blue laser shot out from the TARDIS and surrounded the Dalek he cried out for Mercy. A flash of blue light blinded us all and when the light faded, the Dalek was gone. Nothing but dust was left where the Dalek once was.

Looking over at the Doctor breathing hard now, we both just stared at one another. "I almost just..sacrificed myself to the Daleks.." Trying to catch my breath as I spoke, the Doctor looked at me softly nodding his head. 

"Yeah..I know."

Before speaking to him anymore, I ran over to Milo. "This is A TARDIS. I take it you have a lot of equipment right?" Picking Milo back up into my arms, I looked at the Timelord. "Bring him back." I begged in tears again. "You have a TARDIS. I don't. I can't bring him back on my own, but you. You can. You have a TARDIS. Right? You can bring him back."

Sadly, the Doctor shook his head. "Cara you know that isn't possible." 

"No, No we have to try!" Shaking my head I started to sob, in too much shock from it all to realize completely what was going on around me. I was in too much shock to completely realize and understand that I wasn't the only Timelord left alive in the universe, The Doctor was one to. "We have to try..please." 

Rose stood beside the Doctor as I got down on my knees and held Milo in my lap, sobbing. "Cara.." stepping over to me, the Doctor knelt down. "There's nothing we can do, please. You need to rest."

"No, No don't you touch him." I spat holding Milo against my chest. "Don't you dare. We have to try..something.." My Timelord brain was beating itself around trying to figure out a way to bring him back. I needed him.

There was nothing I could do. There was no way to bring him back and I just sat there, holding his dead body in my arms as I started to sob. "I promised him.. a trip through space..through space and time.." In that moment, I completely lost it. The Doctor moved and sat right beside me as I leaned my head over on his shoulder and sobbed as I rocked Milo back and forth in my arms. He was gone, my person. My person was gone..

The Timelord wrapped his arm around me as I sobbed,  before I curled up around Milo as I laid on the floor with him in my arms. Screaming in tears. In pain. The Doctor and Rose just stood and watched as I laid there with his dead body clutched against my chest, my tears soaking the TARDIS floor. "Milo.." I mumbled into his ear as I continued to kiss his face. Remembering the last thing he said to me. "I love you too.."

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