Joelara - The Thirty Foot Drop

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Here we go, updated this part and made it a lot longer, so please comment guys as well as vote. Please please vote guys. Thanks.

The Agn stood tall with their dagger weapons still pointed towards the Doctor and I with anger in their eyes. With the delicate little comments the Doctor was consistently making, it became obvious that we were going to die. Plain and simple. "You know how I said the Agn could either be basic animal hunters know..pulse destroying aliens?" The Doctor gave me a hard glance as he stood there, his hands raised up beside his head. He was sweating so much you could see it around his armpits. "Yeah well..I'm a hundred percent sure that they're not...pure animal hunters..." The Doctor's face filled with terror, and I knew that terror was all over Rose.

Swallowing the lump in my throat I gave the Doctor an anxious smile. "Surprise!" I called out, my voice cracking in the process. I felt like an idiot.

Shaking his head the Doctor looked back at one of the dozen Agn creatures that surrounded us in the large open field. "Who. Are. You!" The Agn creature called, it was obvious that the Agn with it's dagger at the Doctor's throat was the leader of the pack.

"I'm the Doctor, this is my friend, Cara." He spoke clearly, so much courage seemed to spill from his mouth as he spoke. Thinking back to the Dalek attack where Milo died, I remember how cowardly he'd been. I also remember Milo...Holding his dead body in my arms, willing to sacrifice myself to the Daleks. Shaking my head I snapped myself out of my thoughts. Right now wasn't a good time to think about Milo. Not at all. "We're looking for a girl. Her name is Rose." Hearing the Doctor question for his companion, I cleared my throat.

Whispering to the Doctor, I tried to keep my voice low enough so that the Agn surrounding us wouldn't hear. "I really hope you're thinking of a plan.." The Doctor didn't say anything which gave me an answer to the words I'd spoken. "Right." Biting my lip, I did have a plan in mind, but it wasn't very...ethical. "Okay if you don't have a plan we'll just go with my plan."

Turning his head to look at me with confusion the Doctor went to speak, but didn't have the chance to before the Agn creature that stood in front of me approached. It's face was centimeters away from my own,  and I could smell the horrible breath of the alien as it leaned closer. "Don't you hurt her." The Doctor protested with a bit of anger as I tried to think over my plan in my head as the Agn began to sniff me like a dog.

"We have no knowledge of anyone named...Rose." The Agn creature in front of me spoke, breathing all in my face. The Agn was so close that I could see the fresh blood stains on the creatures skin, teeth, and tongue. Continuing to sniff me, the Agn slowly licked the side of my cheek causing my stomach to churn in disgust and a bit of fright. These things ate anything with a heart beat, and I had two. The Doctor as well. "You're fresh. You smell of...Raspberries and Cherries.." The Agn spoke right in my ear.

If we were going to get away from these Agn and find Rose in time befre being slaughtered, my terrible, unethical plan, couldn't wait any longer. Looking over at the Doctor, I cleared my throat to hopefully get his attention. "Yeah," Responding to the Agn, I gave it a smile. "It's called Dove's Fruity Fantasy. Leaves the skin feeling nice and soft, don't ya think?" My sarcastic tone made the Doctor raise his eyebrows high onto his forehead and I held a smile at the Agn who began to laugh. "Here, let me show you just how soft it makes the skin feel!"

Taking a breath, I went to raise my arm back, rearing my fist up into the air. "Oh this is probably going to hurt you a lot more than me.." Whispering that to myself, the Doctor went to duck away as I swung my tiny little arm and hit the Agn that stood in front of me so hard, it fell to the ground holding its damaged face. When the dagger the creature held was dropped out of shock from my fist colliding with it's strangely formed face, I jumped for it.

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