Joelara - Explosions and Regeneration

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Finally finishing up Joelara and then it's off to the next adventure! Enjoy! Please vote guys, your voting and comments keep me writing! Please! This was slightly rushed, so please tell me what you think!

Pushing my regeneration down for so long was really starting to take a toll on me. Every cell in my body was working against themselves to change and save my life. Keep me alive. Every inch of my body was burning as if there was fire covering my form. The Doctor was still holding onto my shoulders in shock, sadness in his eyes. "You didn't just twist your ankle...did you." He spoke as Rose stared at me with shock in her eyes.

Shaking my head I looked up at the Doctor with a laughing, painful smile. "No..No I didn't." Moving back, the Doctor pulled his blue tipped sonic from his pocket and scanned me over. God why did he always have to bleep me? His eyes grew low with sadness and his lip twitched. "I can manage."

"No, you need to regenerate or you're going to die, Cara.."

Rose said those words with the Doctor, and I glanced between the both of them. "No, I can't. Not here..The Agn have an issue we need to resolve, we need to destroy this thing," point at the machine with my shaking hand, the Doctor shook his head. "We need to figure out whats going on here. This machine is obviously why the TARDIS landed how she did. With all that..distress." Even though it was obvious that the Doctor disagreed with what I was saying, he knew I was right.

Another wisp of regeneration energy fell over my lips as I stood myself up tall. There was no way that I could hold off on my regeneration much longer. "We need to work fast, you're killing yourself by holding your regeneration in, you know that?" There was anger in the Doctor's voice as he spoke and I looked up at him, nodding my head.

"I know."

[ A Few Moments Later ]

The Doctor and Rose were walking side by side as I stood away, putting some space between the three of us as we walked out of the room we'd rushed into to hide in. We were silent, on high alert for the pack of Agn that had chased us. "Alright." I whispered softly, shutting the thick door behind me as quietly as I possibly could. "When the Doctor and I got down here, there weren't any other Agn. Not anywhere. The whole city was vacant. Which leads me to believe that the only Agn that are still alive are the ones after us." 

Moving my hand to push against the wall for support, I could feel the glare that the Doctor was sending me. He was angry that I lied to him, and was even more furious that now I was literally risking my life to push through my regeneration and figure out what the Agn were doing with Timelord technology. If I didn't allow myself to regenerate soon every cell in my body would die, I would have what the Timelord's call, a human death. No regeneration.

Shaking my head, I shot the Doctor a glance before looking forward again. "Wait, but when the Agn things caught me, they were huge. Like monsters." Rose spoke as she looked up at her special Doctor. "They had this like...metal armour built into their skin. They were built out of..metal. A little bit of slimy flesh..but not a lot. Is that what an Agn is supposed to look like?" The Doctor and I were both staring at her now, and a blush covered her cheeks.

Agn with metal body frames? "No," I spoke "That isn't what an Agn is supposed to look like." Stopping in my tracks, I looked at the Doctor. "They're using the machine to create clones, stronger clones. Their entire race must've died out and then when they found this machine..Oh! I am stupid!" Slapping my hand against my forehead, I did it again, and again. "Thick oh my head is thick. Twenty seven brains is never enough! The Agn! The Agn they're dying, their race is on the brink of extinction! I remember what I read now!"

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