1890s - Captivity, Torture, and Removal

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Here ya go, another chapter for you guys. Please leave a comment, and if you don't want to comment please vote, it's really easy. It'll mean a lot to me <3 Let me know what you think about this chapter. Please!

My eyes were puffy, my skin held layers of sweat beneath the tight costume that clung to my form, my arms were pinned up in metal shackles against the stone walls. There was a scent so strong, so utterly disgusting that it pulled me right from my unconscious, poisoned state of mind. Every bone, every muscle, every ligament and so forth that resided inside of my body were aching, muscles were burning. The pain only caused more sweat to appear on my skin.

As the blurriness of my eyes slowly cleared away upon blinking a few good times, my eyes gazed around the stone chamber. There was a lit fire pit with a pot on top of it, what ever was inside of it was boiling and gave off the most disgusting smell. As I looked to my left I nearly became sick at the sight. 

There on the wall rested a row of skins. Human flesh that had been stripped from its original owners and made into a disguise for the Raxacoricofallapatorians. Shaking my head in disgust I felt my emotions trying to get the best of me. Those poor innocent people..

To my right was a much better view. A door rested in the wall, locked and bolted from the outside I assumed. That's when I remembered what the Doctor had given me before we started our adventure for the day. My sonic.

Shaking my hips as much as I could I tried to see if I could feel the sonic pushing into my side, but unfortunately I didn't. The lady must have snatched it off me when she brought me here, where ever here was. With every movement I made with my head I let out a soft hiss. My muscles were becoming paralyzed, slowly. Agonizingly slow.

If I didn't get out of here and to the TARDIS within the next two hours I'd die. Well, my body would try to regenerate before that, but either way. I would die, this version of me would no longer exist. "Shes awake!" A voice sang from outside the closed door and I blinked my eyes tight with annoyance.

When the door unlatched, I watched as the three Raxacoricofallapatorians entered the room in their true forms. Their ugly, tall, green forms with those terrible collars around their necks. "What's it to you?" I spat as my head began to pound. My body was already struggling against the poison rushing through my veins. 

"You're a Timelord, love." A male voice echoed from one of the three catching my attention. "You have a Timelord body, if we could take you and eat up all that lovely energy of yours.."

"You would die.." I laughed, shaking my head. "Timelord energy is not made for consumption by your kind, let alone any kind. Your heads would literally explode, you would turn to dust."

"Marg are you sure you used a poison dart? She is quiet the talker.." The male voice echoed again and I gritted my teeth.

Twisting my wrists around in the shackles that kept me against the wall, I was trying to get the pressure of my shackle off my vortex manipulator. It was digging into the bone of my arm that it was already melted into. "Look," I spat in irritation. "What do you want from me?" Looking at them as I spoke, I shook my head. "You're not going to kill me or you would've done it by now, also your little friend Marg wouldn't have poisoned me if you wanted to..devour me, your own poison is toxic to you. So.." I took a deep breath, my legs weren't working anymore up to the knee. "What's the plan.."

All three of the Raxacoricofallapatorians looked at me with those big black eyes. "She is a clever one, isn't she?" the female, Marg I assumed, spoke out. Reaching out with its three fingered hand, the Raxacoricofallapatorian brushed my loose hair from my face causing me to jerk my head back and away as much as I could. "What's this then?" Feeling the hand suddenly reach up my arm, I snapped my head around.

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