Doomsday - The Day Rose Tyler Died

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Okay guys I'm going to speed things up a bit, and get right to the end of this long episode as fast as I can. I know, I know. You probably don't want me to rush but I have to. I hate writing along with the series episodes it drains me as a writer but I wanted to get rid of Rose because I have a story line I want to follow. So here we go guys, say goodbye to Rose! Be forwards that there is a HUGE skip in this, my writing when it comes to following the series story line sucks so badly, but please enjoy, it'll get better after this. Some of this might not make sense now but in the next chapter it will!


Cybermen, millions and trillions of Cybermen were coming through the void into the universe. They stormed through the streets, and were storming right into the room the Doctor, Yvonne and I all stood in. My hearts began pounding in my chest. "Cybermen." I snarled, shaking my head, watching them come towards us. But the Cybermen weren't the only issue. Screaming was coming from the laptop that the Doctor and Yvonne had been using to communicate with Rose and Jackie. Rushing over, the both of us stared at the screen.

The sphere was opening, and out No. This was impossible. "Daleks...Daleks and Cybermen oh this is not good, very not good. Not good at all." I spoke, stumbling over my words just about. How could the Dalek's be here? Turning around to face the Cybermen that filled the room, the Doctor was trying to get a hold of Rose before the line on the laptop went dead. "You. You didn't build the void ship. The Dalek's did. How did you manage to follow it?" I questioned, shaking my head at the Cybermen that stepped closer to us all.

"You Will Surrender. You Will Be Up-Graded To Human 2.0" The Cyberman spoke in my face, that emotionless voice bleeding through my mind.

"No I don't think so. I'm not compatible with your systems. Doctor, Yvonne. Now would be a great time to run. Don't you think?" I questioned, as the Doctor reached and took a hold of my hand. But before we took off, the Cybermen stood tall.

"We Detect Unknown Technology Below. Cybermen Will Investigate."

Raising a brow, the must be talking about the sphere where Rose is. Rose and Jackie both. We had to get down there first and save them. God, good god the stress of companions was overwhelming. Shaking my head I broke out of thought just in time to see the Cybermen coming in my direction.

It's thick metal hand reached out and shoved myself and another staff member of Torchwood out of the way, sending me flying, my head smacking hard against the corner of the computer tables. A gasp leaving my mouth as I laid flat on my back, holding the back of my head as the Cybermen stormed by. "Cara! Are you okay?" The Doctor panicked as the Cybermen stormed from the room, heading downstairs towards Rose and Jackie. Towards the Daleks.

"I'm okay.." I thought I was at least, until I went to stand to my feet nearly falling to my knees as my vision blurred. The Doctor caught me just barely before I hit the ground again. Blood covered the palm of my hand and I only knew this because when I gripped the Doctor's shoulder, the blood stained his suit. "Oops.." I mumbled before my eyes fluttered shut, my cheek resting against the Doctor's chest as I went limp. Unconscious from the heavy blow to the head.

[ A While Later.. ]

My head was pounding as my eyes finally opened up. I could feel the back of my head nearly completely healed thanks to my Timelord abilities, but when I woke I was alone in Yvonne's office. There were no Cybermen on this floor I was alone. All alone. My hearts started to pound as I jumped to my feet. "Doctor!?" I screamed out, confused on what was going on. How long had I been out? Shaking my head I moved around, wobbling on my feet at first as I looked at the blood stain on the carpet from my head.

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