Joelara - Questions

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"How did you survive?"

Smiling as the Doctor spoke, I shook my head side to side. "It's a long story." My eyes were following Rose who continued to wander around in front of us. "The war was coming. I could feel it in the air." Sighing softly, we continued walking through the darkness, dodging holes in the ground. "Then as you know, they came out of nowhere. The Daleks."

As I spoke, the Doctor's hands were in his pockets as he kicked pebbles across the ground and listened to me speak, occasionally looking upwards to find Rose and see where she was. "So I did what I knew best to do. I ran. I created a sort of...Status bubble. I locked myself inside of it and used my vortex manipulator to transfer myself inside the bubble, away from Gallifrey. Away from the war." Scoffing at myself I shook my head. "I crash landed on Earth in the mid 1900's. Never traveled through space again. I only ever travelled in he now to the places that needed help due to alien invasion." The Doctor was looking at me sadly as I spoke.

"I see myself as a coward, nothing more." I admitted as I found myself staring off in a trance. "I ran away from my people and left them to die and every day, I regret it. I lost family. Friends. Just as you did. Now the Dalek's have taken our planet from the both of us.." Looking over at the Doctor, I managed to brush a stray tear from my cheek before it had a chance to fall to the ground. I missed Gallifrey. I missed my family.

The Doctor's eyes were full of sadness as I cleared my throat. "I survived on my own thanks to Milo. He took me in and gave me a place to stay. He was the only other person who knew who I was. What I was. I trusted him with my life." Nodding my head I gave a sigh. "Anyway, that's the short version of how I survived." Looking over at him I gave him a smile. "What about you? How did you manage to get out?"

As if he didn't want to talk about it, the Doctor looked away from me and gazed at Rose who was inspecting something on the ground. "Same as you...Almost. Except I stole a TARDIS and put a Timelock on the planet.." The last bit of his sentence, the Doctor tried to whisper it so I couldn't hear him. I looked at him in shock.

"You what?"

"I trapped Gallifrey in a Timelock." The Doctor looked at me. "It was the only way to keep the war contained. Or the Dalek's would've taken Gallifrey completely and taken over the universe with the Timelord's technology. You know this, Cara."

Every part of me wanted to blow up in anger. But he was right. Trapping the Time War in a Time Lock was the only way to contain the chaos from spreading to the rest of the universe. Instead of speaking, I kept my mouth shut and continued walking. Things fell silent again, but this time it wasn't as awkward as the first. "What is your full name, your full, real name." The Doctor questioned as I looked around for Rose.

"Caramillias Jonicale."

Giving a small smile, the Doctor nodded as we continued on our footpath. My eyes were looking for Rose, almost desperately. "It seems your companion doesn't know how to follow the don't wander off rule.." The Doctor shot his head up looking around as he heard my words. "Rose!" I called out, shining my torch around. "We said don't wander off!"

We continued calling for her and when we got no response I started to worry. So did the Doctor. He was more panicking than I was. "Rose Tyler!" The Doctor called out playfully, before his tone got very serious. "What if she fell in one of the holes?" He spoke, looking at me with a concerned face. He really cared about this human girl.

"If she fell in, the Agn would put her back to the surface. I think."

"What do you mean you think?" Looking at the Doctor, shocked at his attitude, I shrugged.

"I don't know, I just. I told you I'd studied up on this place but it was a long time ago. The Agn are either friendly animal hunters, or they anything with a pulse." The Doctor's face dropped into so much concern it made me feel scared. "I'm sorry! I can't know everything, you can't expect me to know everything!"

While I was complaining to the Doctor, neither of us noticed the dozens of Agn storming at us, baring their sharp, razor pointed teeth at us with their long daggers in hand. The Doctor and I were back to back, our hands raised in the air as our breathing hitched high as we were snuck up on. "Who are you!" The Agn man screamed in his deep voice, flinging bits of spit onto my face.

Quickly wiping the saliva from the creature off of my face, I swallowed. I should've done a bit more research on the Agn. "We come in peace!" The Doctor screamed and I let out a sigh scrunching my eyes, letting my chin fall down to my chest in disappointment.

"Right, Doctor. Saying things like that makes them think you're lying. Invading."

"But I'm not lying!"

Good god, one day out of the TARDIS with this man and we were already going to die.

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