Inside The Box - Awkwardness

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[A Few Days Later...]

My feet dragged along the floor as I got out of bed. The Doctor had been kind enough to give me a room in the TARDIS where I could sleep and stay. The Doctor was a Timelord. A Timelord I'd ran into more than once. How could I have been so blind? 

Shaking my head at my thoughts I walked from my room down the long hallway, to find the Doctor and Rose at the console, talking. I was silent as I walked down to join them and the Doctor turned to me, a little shocked to see me. The last three days I'd kept myself locked away in my room, only leaving to go to the library where I spent nights reading. "Cara. How are you feeling?" The Doctor questioned softly, and I didn't give him an answer. 

I didn't want to talk about my feelings.

Clearing my throat I pushed a piece of my hair back behind my ear. "Where is he?" Mumbling softly, Rose was biting her lip as I asked the Doctor where he'd taken Milo's body.

"Where you asked me to take him."

Nodding my head softly, I didn't cry. The only reason I didn't cry was because I didn't have any tears left to cry. Milo was gone and I just had to get over it. Milo was in the TARDIS vault. "Right," Wiping my cheeks I looked at the Doctor and gave him a pathetic smile. "So I haven't traveled through time in a very long time..I've forgotten the rush you feel from it.." A small smile crept up on the Doctor's lips. 

"Where would you like to go, Cara?" 

Both of us started to smile at one another, bright big smiles. "Anywhere is fine with me.." Rose was obviously jealous of the Doctor's interest in me as she rolled her eyes and turned around looking for something to busy herself with.

The Doctor started running around the console as I stood back and leaned against the railings, watching in amazement. I wasn't the last of my kind anymore. "I know just where to go!" The Doctor chuckled. "Somewhere, Random!" Slamming down the lever, the TARDIS began to shake and shiver as we were sent off into flight, my hands grasping the railings as I tried to hold a bright smile, pushing the thought of Milo to the back of my head in hopes to forget about it for the time being.

When we landed, the whole TARDIS shook as if it were unhappy, causing the Doctor to look around in confusion. "Where are we?" Rose questioned as I walked towards the doors a little concerned as to why the TARDIS was groaning how it was.

My hands ripped the TARDIS doors open and darkness was all I saw. "Well, it's night time" I called back to answer Rose though it really wasn't that much information. The Doctor was looking at the monitor that hung down on the side of the console as I took a whiff of the air. "Got the information up yet, Doctor?"

"Just about!"

Rose walked up beside me looking out. "Well it looks safe." She commented.

"Yeah but the Doctor has a shield around the TARDIS I'm sure, so we're protected right now. I'd wait for him to get the information."

Sending me a glare, Rose looked out into the pitch darkness. I didn't see any buildings, any lights. I had no idea where we were and that was rare. "I think I'll take my chances. The Doctor would never take me somewhere dangerous." Raising my brows at her I cleared my throat. 

"Suit yourself.."

As Rose stepped out of the TARDIS the Doctor walked over to my side. "We're on Joelara." He hummed as he stood beside me. 

"Home of the Agn" I mumbled with a smile as I looked at the Doctor.

His thin lips perked up in a smile as he nodded his head. "Been here before?" Shaking my head no, I ran back to the console and grabbed a torch. 

"No, but I've read up on it." Shrugging my shoulders, the Doctor and I chased out after Rose as I turned the torch on and walked across the ground with ease. The reason I was so dark was because there was no moon to light up the sky, no light pollution from buildings, because the entire Agn race lived underground with nothing but fire to light up their little worlds. Yeah, they ventured to the surface for food but other than that? They stayed beneath the surface. 

My feet dragged through the grass as I looked down at the jumper I was wearing. I wasn't in proper clothes but at least I was comfortable as we walked. My hand played with Milo's bracelet that he'd made me long ago. That's when the Doctor noticed the vortex manipulator. How it was burned onto my arm. "Oh Cara I'm so sorry.." He mumbled as we all stood around in one spot, Rose taking the torch to look around more.

The Doctor pulled a torch from his pocket and shined it on my arm as he held it up. I raised a brow at him. "What're you saying sorry for?" I was completely confused.

"Your arm, doesn't it hurt?"

"Well yeah," I looked at him as if he were an idiot. "It's burnt into my flesh, it's melted to my bone. Of course it hurts you dimbo." The Doctor looked up at me before clearing his throat.

"I can get it off you know," The Doctor mumbled. "Just have to go back to the TARDIS for a while and peel it off. It'll hurt but I can get it off." My eyes widened just a tad. Never had I truly thought about asking the Doctor about ripping my vortex manipulator off my arm. I thought it was impossible to do.

Apparently not.

Clearing my throat I tore my arm away and we continued walking, keeping Rose in sight as she walked far ahead. "Maybe later. I want to adventure." Looking at my wrist band I brought up the date. "Wow, you brought us all the way to 15,094. Rose is way out of her time." The Doctor chuckled as we walked and a bit of silence fell between the both of us as we walked

I was gazing at everything that surrounded us even though there wasn't very much. My torch shined on rocks which I kicked with my shoe. "What's that then?" The Doctor called from the side. All three of us had torches thanks to him. 

"What's what?" I questioned as I approached him

The Doctor was peering down into a deep hole. "Oh it's one of their entrances. To their underground city. This is probably where they gather to hunt." Shrugging my shoulders there was a bit of awkwardness between the Doctor and I. And I knew exactly why. "You've got questions about me, don't you."  I spat out as I looked over at the Doctor. He gave a nod. "Well, go on, ask. You're making this awkward. We know nothing about each other and we're the last Timelords. I mean, yeah it's already awkward but're just making it more awkward. So ask" The Doctor blinked at me before clearing his throat with a nod.

"Well.." We continued walking, and he rubbed the back of his neck. Awkwardly. "How did you make it out..of the War I mean."

Looking over at him, I raised a brow. "Wow, I thought you'd start off by asking me my actual full name." Chuckling, the Doctor smirked. 

"How did I survive?" I continued speaking with a light chuckle. "Oh you're in for a long story, Doc. A complicated, long story."

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