CH-6 "My Gaurdian"

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???'s POV:

What is this happening!, last i remember i was running away from the woods......

Now all is dark what is this.....

Is this a dream or Nightmare....

This is a dream, Snap out of it, just a dream, JUST A DREAM......JUST A DRE......


That voice.....

"Lucy please come back to us"


Loke's POV:

"LUCY" finally lucy opened her eyes blinking cause her vision would be blurry. She sat up straight "Loke, Virgo...."  Before any other word lucy was on the ground with her 2 spirits on top of her. "Lucy, you are not to scare me like that again" "Princess please don't ever do that, or you'll be..................punished" 

Lucy was still in a daze cause she didn't remembered what happened. 

"It's for the best if you both let her rest"

It was then lucy noticed an unknown presence, glaring at her spirits. "Umm....who are you"??

Lucy's POV:

In front of me stood a man.......................... (Ya all know the description, and if not see the pic above & ofc most of ya know him, I DO TOO)

"My Lady, my name is Thoth Caduceus" he said while bowing gentlemanly "I'm an Egyptian God of knowledge but I can fight to protect the once i care for, if needed" he was dead serious when he said "Um-" lucy sweat dropped "I'm one of the mythological or platinum key's spirit" 

"WHAT" all three of them yelled in unison. "SO MEAN TO TELL ME THAT THE PLATINUM KEYS CALL UPON THE GODS" at this the spirit answered sternly "No, only 1 more and I are the only once that are gods......the others i'm afraid are th-" 

???'s POV:

"Soo looks like ya saved this chick after all, what a shame to think ya defeated all of my monsters that easily" said a man coming out of the shadows who was surprisingly disgusting looking "How dare you show your disgusting presence to my Lady" "Your lady" by this time loke and lucy were in their fighting stances virgo went back since lucy was drained. 

"Now that i look at her maybe I'll keep her" "Regulas Impact" loke attacked the man but he stood where he was and with one hand he stopped his action. "WHAT" "Tch! what a pest ya ar-" Before another word "Strike" an arrow went straight through the man's head. 

Thoth's POV:

"My Lady i apologize for the nuisance, now if I can explain in what trouble you've got yourself into" "T-trouble" at this loke forgot that  just a  moment ago he was attacked and looked seriously at the god "My La-" "Thoth please, to me my spirits are like my frnds so please call me by my name" "Well...Miss Lucy, it would be then, as i was saying I'm the only one who's a god and 1 other but their are 10 keys in total including mine" "10 keys you mean as the once of the zodiacs" lucy asked out of curiosity, lucy didn't notice that she was sweating but loke did "Lucy I'll be heading back now since i've been here all this time on your magical energy" and loke disappeared. 

He's been here all this time on her magical energy, Impressive. "As i was saying, Miss Lucy i'm afraid that the others keys are not like your golden or silver keys....they are possibly keys of Demons, Devils, Monster and other such creatures" by this point lucy's eyes were so wide that they could almost fall off the sockets "And I'm not the one of the keys you summoned or you have in that pouch of yours"  "Wait I remember i didn't summon you so how could you be-" 

???'s POV:

"That job was a pain in the ass" it's for the best i reach the guild as fast as possible or I'm gonna be in trouble...

Huh! what's that smell, it's that!

"Bunny Girl" "Strike" an arrow came straight towards him but was blocked by a sword "Gajeel better be careful" said a black exceed.

"I'll not let you harm Miss Lucy, cause I'm her Guardian"

Well this a long one but i guess all of them from hence forth are gonna be like this LONG!!! HOPE YA GUYS LIKE IT, I'll be writing soon! So till then.......


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