Chapter Three

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EMMELINE PRACTICALLY FLEW DOWN THE STAIRS WHEN SHE HEARD THE carriage roll into the estate, rattling slightly along the cobblestone driveway. Once she had broken her fast that morning, she had bathed and washed her hair. Then she had instructed Penny to put her hair up in a neat bun and dress her in her favourite chartreuse dress specially designed for the autumn outdoors and her best walking boots. She wore a sparkling diamond necklace that had originally been her mother's, with a matching gold ring also inherited from the same late Lady Anne Lockhart. Emmeline was, without a doubt, looking her very finest. She was fully aware of the fact that she wanted to impress Captain Jamison. She avoided thinking of the motives behind this desire.

She was standing ready by the door, gloved hand tucked in gloved hand and a brilliant smile on her face, when Peter Jamison climbed off the carriage. He was dressed in a most handsome black suit with a cravat across his neck, something Emmeline noticed he did not normally sport. She smiled to herself, a crimson blush spreading down her cheeks to her neck, as she thought of the young officer trying to impress her as she was trying to do to him. She suppressed the burning sensation on her cheeks as he ascended the steps, one foot landing lightly in front of the other and hardly touching the granite such that he was nearly running to greet her.

"Good afternoon, my lady." Captain Jamison laid a kiss on her hand, and it pleased her more than a bouquet of fresh roses could have. "You are well?"

"I am very well, Captain," she responded, dropping into the lowest curtsy she could manage. "Better now that you have arrived."

The captain allowed himself a loud laugh, bowing to her in return. "As am I."

She offered him a slightly shy smile as she paused briefly before informing him that the stable boy would be along with the dogs soon. "I love the dogs," she told him. "They're absolute darlings."

"Indeed, it is hard not to build connections with them," he agreed. "I find myself quite fond of Jackie. He is often chosen to accompany your brother and I on hunts, and we have become quite well-acquainted."

"Oh, I myself am not particularly partial to Jackie," Emmeline responded with a small frown. "He is the alpha of the pack, you understand, and I find him quite the domineering one. While I will admit he is very charming, sir, I find my affections better spent on Thomas and Akira."

"Akira, my lady?" Captain Jamison echoed, about to ask a question, but he was interrupted by a loud bark sounding out from the side of the house. Emmeline smiled. While she avoided showing favouritism to the big black dog, she would recognise Jackie's excited bark anywhere.

The stable boy had to run with the sled dogs, his grip on their leashes tightening, as the canines bounded towards the lady they recognised as their single favourite human being. Emmeline laughed out loud at the sight of them. All the propriety in the world could not mask her affection toward her furry friends, and although she could not squat to pet them in front of a gentleman, she bent down slightly like she was bowing and extended her hands to greet them. Jackie was the first to pull free of the stable boy, almost toppling him. He ran ahead to rest his head against Emmeline's hand, and she gave him a satisfying scratch about his chin as he licked her hands thoroughly. Seeing their leader to this, all the other dogs followed suit and yanked away from the stable boy. Like the ground had been pulled out from under his feet, he fell flat on the pavement. With laughter and concern in her warm green eyes and a dozen dogs clambering for her attention, Emmeline enquired if he was all right. Mumbling that he was fine, he scrambled to his feet and retired to the stables with a slight hobble.

"They really are fond of you," Captain Jamison remarked.

"Yes," she replied, looking up to grin at him. "And this little man here"—she gave a honey brown dog a good rub on the head—"is Akira. Emmett found him on one of his trips to Japan."

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