Chapter Ten

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Hey guys! Sorry about the late update; I'm overseas and I forgot to remind my friend to update on my behalf. Hopefully no one's mad though because I updated last Wednesday. :) Either way, sorry about the late chapter and here it is! Hopefully the content makes up for the timing!

So – we're off the Hot List completely. I was so worried this would happen, but now that it has I just want to say that Hot List or not it's such an honor to have your readership and your encouragement as well as your lovely kind words (@LadyRowyn !) Thank you all for being AMAZING!

THE HORSE'S STEEL SHOES CLATTERED TO A STOP AGAINST THE COBBLED road. The man exchanged a brief word with the guards, who gave him directions and saluted him. He returned the gesture before proceeding to walk the path they had pointed out with anticipation rattling in the chambers of his heart.

When he stepped into ballroom, quite fashionably late, it was noisy with the cacophony of a hundred different voices speaking simultaneously, and the orchestra exerted themselves terribly just to compete with the chatter. It had been a long time since the man had attended anything like this. As he matured and his tastes became more refined he had grown to prefer quieter activities like reading maps and writing in his ship log, but this, he thought, he did not quite mind. The jolly atmosphere brought quite some unexpected excitement to his breast, and he was glad he had come. Regardless of what his cruel friend had said...

There were at least twenty dozen dancing ladies, he gauged with an eye trained to count heads, but he only sought to locate one.

"Aye, Peter, how wonderful! You made it!" A familiar voice interrupted his search as a hand clapped his shoulder in a friendly "hello". He turned to return the amiable greeting, a broad grin finding its way onto his face without much difficulty.

"Oh, Tom!" he exclaimed in return. "Sincerely—! Thank you for the invitation. This truly is delightful. Even though I have yet to find her...There are no parties aboard the ship, you know, and I see now that much has been missing from my life."

"Well, I'm glad! Is this not such a jolly event?" Thomas Maxwell remarked. "What music, and what dancing! Oh—I would very much like to introduce you to my lovely wife Diane, if you will excuse me briefly..."

"Of course," Peter said with an obliging smile and a half-bow; and Thomas disappeared into the dancing sea of finery. The two had been closely acquainted schoolmates since they were wee, but eleven; and although Peter later became a seafarer and Tom remained a land-dweller, their bond only strengthened with time. They were each other's faithful correspondents, confidants, and advisors, and no expanse of ocean, no force of nature, no official command could change it. The captain was glad to have such a spectacular friend in his otherwise mediocre life, and the gentleman he could call a dear friend thought the same.


"MY, WHAT A PARTY," EMMETT LOCKHART OBSERVED AS HE WALKED INTO the ballroom with his sister on his arm. "Is it not, Linnie?"

The ball was already in full swing when the two arrived. Emmeline's stomach was rocking as if she were on a ship in turbulent waters for the first time and she made no answer. The earl cast her a concerned glance, but said nothing.

"Lord Emmett Portsmouth and Lady Emmeline Lockhart!" the crier wailed, quite mournfully, Emmeline thought to herself with a sad sigh of her own. The Queen, who was perched upon a throne at the front of the room beside her husband and looking rather tired, stood immediately and beckoned the young lady forth with newfound zest.

Artemis (previously The Lady Lockhart)Where stories live. Discover now