Chapter Eleven

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Hi everyone! Sorry this is late – as you may remember, I'm not in my city of residence and I couldn't connect to WiFi. Here's this week's update, but before that, a quick message.

On 31 October, the same day as the last update (also, in fact, Halloween), we skyrocketed back up to #271 after being completely wiped off the Hot List. I must say however that the numbers don't mean half as much to me anymore. I'd just like to say an earnest thank you to every single reader, everyone who votes, everyone who comments. Thank you. Hot List or not, you make my day every time. :)

"AUNT, I WAS HOPING TO HAVE A WORD WITH YOU." THE TONE OF Emmeline's voice was far firmer than Bethany Rutherford has ever heard it, and the marchioness was forced to sit up in bed and finally engage in this dreaded conversation. Still, as she did so, she coughed violently for good measure.

    "Yes, my dear?" she wheezed.

    Emmeline sighed. "I have been putting this discussion off for some days, Aunt, especially since you have unwell. Yet I am to leave for Portsmouth in two days and you shall return to Rutherford House... I must not delay this any further."

    Bethany nodded, prompting the girl to elaborate.

    "I would like to discuss my marriage with you, Aunt Bethany," she explained. "I do not think I should like to marry Prince Alexander."

    The older woman's eyebrows shot to her hairline. "Why ever not?"

    "I am... Well, you could say that I am not very fond of him," Emmeline said cautiously. "He has been rather unpleasant. You told me earlier I might grow to like him, but truly, Aunt, I have not at all."

    "Oh, darling – if you marry this man, you will one day be queen," Bethany replied with the enthusiasm her niece should have had. "Your life will be perfect!"

    Emmeline shook her head. "Aunt, you do not understand. Prince Alexander – he is quite impolite, and jumps so quickly to conclusions. With no evidence to speak of, he has somehow formed the opinion that I wish to have him exiled, and he hates me for it. Oh, Aunt Bethany, you know I would do no harm to him, and yet he detests me so! How could I marry him?"

    "My goodness!" she exclaimed. "Exiled, you say?"

    "Is that notion not ridiculous? Why would I ever wish to see him exiled?"

    Bethany shook her head regretfully. "Oh, darling, His Royal Highness must have, somehow, misunderstood you gravely. Fret not, for I will most definitely take your side on this and I'm sure Their Majesties will see reason... However, I do think this matter can be resolved without calling the marriage off. My darling Emmeline – your mother, bless her soul, was never here to teach you this, but you must always remember that, as a lady, the solution is never to run away from whatever problems you encounter. Rather, with dignity, intelligence, and grace, always face them bravely, and always do your best..."

    The young lady watched her aunt prattle on and on, and said no more; for she knew that there was nothing else she could do to persuade her. She would need to find another way out.


EMMELINE'S NEXT LETTER TO PETER WAS WRITTEN IN RELATIVE ELATION, for it told of her impending return to Portsmouth. She had failed to see him ever since Prince Alexander had so rudely pulled her onto the dance floor that evening at the ball, but she had received a letter informing her that he was returning to Portsmouth for a brief stay until his next journey in the high seas. Joy fluttered in her breast as she handed it to one of her father's servants to be sent. The sight of her half-packed luggage brought a smile to her lips again. Perhaps physically leaving London would erase whatever plans had been made for her and Alexander. With some luck, she would be able to stay away long enough, and Queen Sarah might forget all about her...

Artemis (previously The Lady Lockhart)Where stories live. Discover now