Chapter 2

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"So what class do you have next?" Katelyn asked. She was in my fifth hour, which was Witchcraft.

"Werewolf 101," I replied.

"Wait, you're a werewolf?" She yelled.

"No, must have been a mess up my schedule. I'll see if I can get it changed tomorrow morning."

"Okay, well maybe I'll text you," she said walking off.

"Okay, see you tomorrow," I waved. "Werewolf class... okay." I mumbled. I started heading in that direction.

When I got to class I already knew that I would be having a lot of panic attacks. The boy who'd pushed me this morning was fighting with a werewolf... oh, and now werewolf boy is out of the classroom. He earned a one way ticket out the window. I clapped lazily. "Wow. You really know how to put on a show." I rolled my eyes.

"Do you wanna join him?" The boy growled.

"Sure, and then you can throw everyone else out the window too."

"Whatever." He rolled his eyes. I walked close to him about four feet away. "What are you doing?" He asked.

"Go ahead. Throw me out the window." I gave him a pointed look.

"I'm not going to hit a girl."

"Why not? I mean you shoved me today." I shrugged.

"I have no idea what you're talking about," he stuck his nose up in the air. I crossed my arms.

"Alright... delinquent." I raised my voice a bit.

"It's Aaron," he sighed, running his hands through his hair.

"Aaron. Telling me your name won't change the fact that you shoved me."

"I know." He sighed.

"ALRIGHT CLASS!" The teacher yelled. I jumped, and felt the air leave me. I collapsed, and went into a panic attack. With shaky hands I searched my bag for my inhaler... it wasn't there. I felt someone shove something into my hand. I looked down at it, trying to breath. My inhaler. I quickly shook it, and used it. I laid on the classroom floor for a minute staring at the ceiling. "Is everything okay!?" The teacher asked. I gave him a thumbs up, and sat up, leaning against the wall. "Okay then take a seat you need to be sitting with a partner." The only seat left was next to... him. I sighed, and sat down next to him, tossing my bag on the floor. The teacher started talking, and I zoned out.

"You're welcome," he mumbled.

"For what?" I asked, staring at the table.

"Saving your life," he said it like it was the most common thing you'd say every day.

"Excuse me?" I asked looking over at him.

"I'm the one who handed you your inhaler."

"Wow, thanks," I rolled my eyes.

"Geez, you sound like you would have rather died."

"Sorry, that I don't sound as grateful as you'd like me to sound."

"What's wrong with you!?" He snapped.

"I ask myself that everyday. Ask it to the mirror. I know what's wrong, but... I really don't know how to fix it... you know?" I traced circles on the table with my fingers.

"Okay... I didn't catch your name by the way." He added.

"(Y/N). I would say it's nice to meet you, but... that's a bit of an overstatement." I glared at him.

"Yeah?" He asked. "So what about meeting me isn't nice?"

"Well first off, you shoved me. Then you threw a guy out a window, and threatened to throw me out the window-"

"Actually you gave me the idea to do it. I never said I would." He glared at me.

"Well, anyways the teacher-"

"There's something wrong with him. He barely acknowledged the fact that I threw Balto out the window."

"Hm... strange." I mumbled. "I wonder-"

"So why'd you have that panic attack?" He whispered.

"Um... I don't know if you should know."

"Why not?"

"I barely know you. It doesn't make sense to uh... share my secrets."

"It's not really a secret. You've told people, haven't you?" He raised an eyebrow. I bit my lip.

"Well... huh. I'm not going to be able to keep it a secret forever. I can't have feelings I guess. If I start to feel emotions, then I have a panic attack. So I try to keep it neutral."

"Good to know." He mumbled.

"HEY! You two in the back!" I looked over at him.

"What can we do sir?"

"You seemed to be lost in that conversation. Care to explain what we were talking about?" He grinned. I could almost tell Aaron was freaking out a bit. I took a deep breath, and rolled my eyes.

"Of course sir-"

"What are you doing?!" Aaron hissed.

"You were talking about... marking our territory."

"...Never mind. I guess you two were listening." I nodded. "Well the last thing I need to announce is the windows."

"Well I guess he noticed what you did." I whispered.

"Crap!" Aaron hissed.

"We need to stop breaking windows, the board of education is getting upset with us. They won't pay anymore for windows. Anyways, keep that in mind. Class is dismissed." He walked to the window in the back of the room, and broke the window, and jumped out. Weird. This is the second storey of this building... okay, whatever. I grabbed my things, and got ready to walk home. On my way out of class Aaron ran up to me.

"Wait! Let me walk you home!" He exclaimed.

"No, I'll be fine on my own." I kept walking. He jumped, and ran after me again.

"What?" He growled.

"I am fine on my own. I've always been fi- ... I've always been decent." I tried walking faster, but he was keeping up.

"I just want to make sure you get home okay!" He sighed angrily. I stopped walking and looked at him.

"Listen, I have no idea to why as you'd care even the slightest about my health, but I can get home just fine. On my own." I glared. "Still convinced you need to come with me?"

"Yes." He nodded stubbornly. I sighed, and kept walking, with him right behind me the whole time.

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