Chapter 5

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I woke up with the thought of Aaron in my head.
There's no way I could like him. Maybe it's just... I don't know. A glitch in my system... wow now I sound like a robot. But I guess in a way... I kind of am. I sighed. I got up and changed into my uniform and braided my hair. I walked downstairs where my mom left me some toast, I ate a piece then grabbed my bag and walked out onto the porch... where Aaron was standing. "Uh. Hi," I mumbled.

"Hey. How do you feel?"

"Fine." I shrugged.

"Oh okay," he nodded. We headed towards school in the awkward silence, both of us trying to think of something to say, but never completing the task of actually saying it. I twiddle my fingers. "So did you try to transfer out of werewolf class?"

"Uh, yeah, I guess I can't change my schedule," I shrugged.

"That stinks. I couldn't either."

"You probably should be in werewolf class."

"What!?" He yelled.

"You need anger management... face it, sometimes you kinda... lose it."

"WHY WOULD YOU EVEN THINK SOMETHING LIKE... oh shoot you're right."

"I know," I joked, flipping my braid.

"You are... something. He shook his head as we approached school. I saw Aphmau and Travis over by the fountain. I waved to Aaron.

"See you in a bit."

"Bye," he was ed and headed off. I walked over to Aph and Travis.

"Hey guys."

"Hey (Y/N)... see you're hanging out with FC." Aphmau sighed.

"Yeah, not really my decision... he keeps following me!!!" I rolled my eyes.

"Don't get worked up there," Travis put his hands out.

"I've got myself under control Travis," I sighed.

"Okay, just making sure," he nodded.

"Whatever. So anyways you guys ready for class or...?"

"School can't end fast enough!" Aphmau yelled, sinking to her knees dramatically.

"You do know school started like two days ago... right?" I asked, I heard a giggle out of Travis which made me role my eyes. Soon after everyone was flooding into the school so we followed inside, with me practically dragging Aphmau. We stopped at our lockers which happened to be right next to each other then headed to homeroom. That emo kid was back and ended up sitting next to him again. So I tried to make an effort to talk to him. "Hi, again," I waved. He groaned and looked away. "The least you could do is say hi back."

"Hello woman girl thing," he grumbled.

"Wow, I have a name."

"So do I. So fascinating." He rolled his eyes. I sighed.

"Could you at least try to have a conversation with me?"

"Why should I?"

"Because you shouldn't have to be lonely all the time."

"Pfft, whatever," he snapped.

"Fine. I'm just gonna stare at you until you crack."

"You're bluffing," he sneered. I started staring right at him and he immediately looked uncomfortable. "What are you doing?"

"Wait for you to crack."

"Whatever," he looked away, but I knew he could still feel my stare burning into him.

Not gonna lie that was a waste of my class. I sighed and got up, grabbing my things. I hurried out of the classroom, trying to beat the rush. I felt a tap on my shoulder and I turned to face Zane. "Oh, hi," I said, kinda shocked to see him chasing after me... wait I was feeling something... nah.

"I wanted to say sorry about being a jerk to you. Could you forgive me?" I felt a strange sensation run through me and I collapsed, not being able to breathe. I felt myself starting to panic at the fact that I could breathe. I could feel my eyes start to water and my vision had green spots here and there and it seemed to be shaking violently, everything felt fussy and oddly warm. I felt something being shoved into my mouth... my inhaler. Whoever it was, helping me pressed and I sucked in the air and then another. I fell back, taking in huge breaths, the sensation of being able to breath flooded through me. My adrenaline was pumping pretty hard. My head was laying against the cold tile floors of the school halls.

"(Y/N) Are you okay?"

"Air," I whispered.

"What?" I heard the voice more clearly. It was Aaron.

"I can breathe..." I said taking in another breath.

"Yes, okay that's good." He helped me sit up and then struggled to my feet. "Are you okay?"

"Yes," I nodded, still feeling a little shaken.

"What class do you have next?"


"Okay let's go," he said pulling me onto his back.

"But you're gonna be late for your class then."

"Yeah, but at least I'll feel better knowing that you didn't have another panic attack." He whispered. I could feel his skin getting warmer.

"Why do you feel all warm?" I asked, leaning my head against his back.

"Uh... n-no r-reason!"

"Mhm," I mumbled. We made it to art class and I'm sure everyone saw me on his back. I got of his back and walked into the classroom, just before the second bell rang. I saw Garroth and Laurance making faces at me... yeah real mature. I walked over and sat next to them.

"Somebody's got a boyfriend," Laurance sang.

"If you're referring to me then that would be inaccurate. Aaron is my friend and he was helping me to class because I had just had a panic attack." I said pulling my drawing from last might out of my bag.

"What!? Are you okay?" Garroth asked.

"If I wasn't okay then I wouldn't be here right now."

"Okay! But why are you friends with him?" Laurance sneered.

"Jealous?" I teased.

"WHA!?" He yelled.

"I'm... kidding Laurance," I rolled my eyes.

"Laurance is definitely jealous," Garroth whispered.


"Hello class and welcome back to art." He walked over to me. "Do you have your drawing?"

"Yes," I handed it to him and he smiled, most likely pleased.

"You've got the artist trait." He smiled and I replied with a simple nod. This class better not trigger me anymore than Zane surprising the crap out of me.

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