Garroth and Aaron.

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(Your POV)

I had Garroth and Aaron come over that day to watch TV. I mean, the only way that they're gonna get used to each other, is hanging out with each other. We all went upstairs to my room and watched TV up there.

Garroth: Why are we watching this?

You: Because I want to watch it.

Aaron: What about what we wanna watch?

You: I don't care about what you wanna watch. Right now, we watch ponies.

Aaron: This show is scary.

You: Oh shut up. It's not scary. They're just talking ponies.

Garroth: We know. That's what's scary about it...

You: Anyways, I'm gonna go downstairs and get snacks. I'll be right back.

I left out the room and went downstairs.

(Garroth's POV)

Oh great, now I'm stuck in a room with him...

Aaron: You know, I can tell your upset.

Garroth: How can you tell?

Aaron : You've been sitting here silent with a weird, angry look on your face. Tch, my presence makes you uncomfortable.

Garroth: Hmph. How do you know?

Aaron: I overhead you and Y/N talking at the skating rink. You don't like me do you?

Garroth: No, not really.

Aaron: And why is that?

Garroth: I'm pretty sure you know why.

Aaron: *sigh* Is this because of high school?

Garroth: huh, how did you ever guess that?

Aaron: Look, I honestly don't see what your upset about Garroth.

Garroth: What do you mean? Your the one who broke her heart. Are you saying that, that doesn't matter and we should just forget about it?

Aaron: No. That's nothing of what I'm saying. I'm saying that that was the past and we should move on.

Garroth: Heh, honestly, I should be thanking you.

Aaron: For what?

Garroth: You're the reason why we're together now. So, thank you.

Aaron: So your happy that me and her aren't together anymore?

Garroth: No. Anyone could clearly see that the two of you cared for each other. Until, you screwed up.

Aaron: You know, sometimes I think that there is something truly wrong with you Garroth.

Garroth: Hey!

Aaron: Heh.

I walked over to stand next to Aaron who was looking in the other direction.

Garroth: Why did you do what you did anyways?

Aaron: .... *sigh* I don't wanna talk about it Garroth.

Garroth: You of all people should be over it. It's been a while.

Aaron: You expect me to me over that? It's harder for me because I'm the one who did it! I'm not proud of myself for doing it. But I did because I wasn't thinking.

Garroth: And your just now realizing this?

Aaron: (he steps closer to Garroth) Heh, you really know just how to piss someone off don't you Garroth?

Garroth: Oh so your Angry now?

Aaron: What is wrong with you? You have no sense anymore! Last time you gave me a lecture, you were making sense. Now your not making any!

Garroth: Well, doesn't that suck for you then.

Aaron: Look, I don't want to play your stupid games. I'm going downstairs.

Garroth: Running away from your problems I see... Just like a coward..

(Aaron's POV)

I stopped dead in my tracks when I heard that.

Me: What did you say?...

Garroth: I said your acting like a coward. You ran away from You and Y/N's problem and went off to college like nothing ever happened. Heck, you didn't even say goodbye. And now your-

Wanting him to shut up, I pushed him against the wall. He had no right to say that to me. And I was getting annoyed by him.
(Your POV)

Huh? ... What was that?

(Aaron's POV)

Aaron: Look, you and I both have two different perspectives of this story. And I don't like how your acting. Seems like to me, you've changed a lot Garroth.

Garroth: .... (he looks to the side. Not looking at Aaron.)

Aaron: Look at me. I don't know what your deal is but, if you act like this around Y/N you've changed a lot Garroth.

Garroth: You don't get it do you?..

Aaron: Get what?

All of a sudden, Y/N comes in the room.

Y/N: Guys? ... Is everything okay?

Garroth: Never mind Aaron.... Now, let go of me. I'm pretty sure you don't want her to see you doing this.

He gave me a sly smirk as I let go off him.

Y/N: Are you sure? You two didn't try to rip each other faces off did you?...

Garroth: No. We're fine.

She brought in snacks and for some odd reason we continued watch to the ponies.

It's just what Garroth said. "You don't get it do you?" What is it that I don't get?...

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. I had trouble with dialogue again in this chapter. Anyways, I'm starting to get stuck. So, let me know what you guys want to happen next in the comments. Who knows? I might pick your suggestion and make it a chapter.

I need help with this book...

Bai- Clarity~Sama 😉

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