47-He's the one that got away...

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Liam:  "Miss. ____, Greg is here." You look up from your desk, nodding at your assistant. Your boyfriend of about three months comes in, smiling. "Happy Birthday!" He says, holding a box. You smile softly, getting out of your chair and hugging him. You are beyond successful at this point in your job, and your boyfriend is as well, but you don't like when he tries to spoil you. He gestures at the gift and you open it to find a full diamond jewelry set. You smile, thanking him and setting it on your desk, stating you have to get back to work. He leaves and you plop down, your hand subconciously going to your neck, still hoping to find the little plastic necklace with Buzz Lightyear on it that Liam gave you on your third date. Of course, your neck is bare, and you glance at the gift, knowing no amount of diamonds would replace him. You know that you still love Liam, but you can't tell him that, you broke up because you thought you wanted to focus on your job, but all you really need is him. You hear familiar footfalls, and look up. "Li?" You ask, wondering how he got past your assistants desk. "You don't have to say anything, but it's your birthday and I got you something; you wanted it for a while when we were dating and I thought you should have it, even though were not together anymore and yeah, I still love you, but I've got to go." He says very quickly, and dashes out before you can respond. You open up the box to find a painting you wanted at some craft show that the two of you went to almost a year ago. You shove the gift from Greg off the table, almost dramatically and toss off your heels, running after Liam, who always knew he was enough for you.

Louis:  Your best friend sets a cup of tea down in front you and you thank her. "No problem." She replies, flipping through the channels. You take a quick sip and almost drop the cup out of your hands. Your friend sees your reaction. "Shit, sorry, that was supposed to be mine." She says quickly, taking if from your hands. It's Yorkshire tea, one of the many things that remind you of Louis. He used to drink it so much, that's exactly how he used to taste when you two kissed. "It's fine, I have to accept the fact that he's gone at some point." You say quietly, playing with your hands. "He's not though, let me show you something." She says, jogging to her purse, bringing back her phone. "Look what Harry texted me." She says, opening up the messages. Your best friend and Harry got close once you and Louis were dating, and you were unaware they still talked after the break up about 2 months ago. 'Lou is listening to that mix-tape he made her' You read, and shake it off, that was mix tape of his favorite songs, or course he likes it. 'Offically losing his mind...just found her old shirt and almost burst into tears. Bring her over here or something.' You read and glance down at your own striped shirt, one of his that he left. "___ that message is from 3 hours ago." She says quietly and you shake your head. "We broke up because he was getting in trouble with management for being with me too much. I'm not ruining his career, it means to much to him." You say, crossing your arms, set in your ways. "Yeah, but you mean more." You hear the familiar Doncaster accent and almost think you're dreaming. You know you're not when he sits next to you as your best friend leaves and touches your shirt lightly. "Let's not be stupid anymore, we both know we miss each other. And i'm, not letting you get away this time, I don't want to be old and look at my wife who I don't really love and wish I saw your face instead." You tear up at that, and nod, falling into him, angry at yourself that you wasted two months away from him.

Zayn:  "Why do you always shut that song off?" Your boyfriend asks as you turn into your apartment. "No reason." You lie. You shut it off because you've heard gossip coverage about how One Directions newest single was inspired by Zayn's latest break up, which would be you. You didn't want to hear it, about how much he didn't miss you, how he was over your year long relationship, and how easy it would be for him to move on. You've never actually heard the song, but you're assuming that was the gist of it. You park your car and head on up stairs, your boyfriend trailing behind you. You open your door and are shocked to see Zayn sitting on your couch, lounging, like he has done so many times before. "Babe, you really should change your locks." He says, holding up his key. You drop your purse and your boyfriend touches your shoulder. "I wish I could fight for you, but I'm not blind, you belong to him." You glance at him as he simply walks out without another word. "Have you heard the song?" Zayn asks, casually as if you two just saw each other yesterday, and not 9 months ago. You shake your head. "Figured." He says quietly. "Sorry I don't want to hear about you moving on." You state, somewhat cold. "Moving on?" He asks, surprised and he makes a 'pfft' noise. "I'm basically begging you to come back to me, ___." He says, dropping his arms to his sides. "And you had to do it through a song, rather than calling me?!" You ask, confused. "I thought it was romantic?" He says, looking at you through his deep brown eyes. You try to be angry with him, but it's only a matter of seconds before your anger melts away, crossing the room into his arms.

Niall:  "I'm going to grab another beer." Your boyfriend Brad says, walking towards the bar as you sit at a table. You nod, bored. You liked Brad a lot, but something there was just missing. You knew exactly what it was, but you hated comparing everyone you dated to your ex, Niall. It didn't seem fair. He was your first love, and you know you'll always feel something for him, but the distance was too much to bear, and you two ended it almost a year ago now, and you haven't seen him since. You shake your head a bit, now focusing on the man talking into the microphone on the small stage in the bar. "Not sure how we managed to score a popstar here in this tiny bar, but give a hand for Mr. Niall Horan." You stomach sinks, and you almost don't believe it until you see him. He is a bit bigger, like he has been working out, but he still has his normal outfit on, snap-back and all. You pray he can't see you. You look exactly the same, you got your haircut, but you're still nothing compared to the models you've seen pictures of him with. He starts playing the guitar and you whimper as you recognize the song. It's your song. The one you two used to dance to, the one he used to sing over Skype when you couldn't sleep. "___! You okay? You can go talk to him...he's been looking over here the entire time." Brad says, now back at the table, you didn't even notice. "Okay." You say quietly, hoping to have a casual conversation and then move on. You walk up to him as he's putting his guitar away, and you don't even have to touch him before he turns around. "You still wear that perfume I bought you." He says, smirking slightly. You laugh lightly, nodding. "I miss you, and I'm not going to pretend for another year that I'm okay without you." He says, and you're taken back. "You look great, I like your hair." He says, touching it lightly and you shiver, and you know what you have to do. "Give me a minutes." You mumble, walking back to the table to explain to Brad. That carefree Irish boy always was the one.

Harry:  You sigh loudly as you try to dab more cover-up on your wrist. "Just disappear you stupid thing." You mutter to yourself, shaking your head.You throw down your make-up, angrier than you were before. Why did you you even get this tattoo you think to yourself. Because of him, you reply to yourself. You touch the small star on your wrist, matching Harry's large one on his arm and sigh. You don't want it gone, it's the only thing you have left of him. You saw a news story about him getting his tattoo removed, and you were a bit shocked , you two had only been over for 5 months, and the two of you got these done together over a year ago. "You always leave the damn door unlocked, it's not safe." You hear the deep Cheshire accent from your living room. You didn't think he would be on time. He agreed to come over and drop of the stuff that you had left at his house. "Shut up, Styles." You mutter, walking into the living room and sighing. He looks great. His curls are down and he's wearing your favorite orange sweater and his signature white converse. He looks like your Harry. Or your ex Harry for that matter. "Your hair got longer." He observes as he hands you a small box, and you're about to grab it, and he takes your arm, and turns it over, looking at your tattoo. His green eyes meet yours, and they almost look hopeful. "Sorry I don't have enough money to go get mine removed like some people." You say, taking it back, ignoring the warmth that is spreading through your body from his familiar touch. He rolls his eyes and quickly rips off his sweater, having no shame around you. Screw him, he is still in shape you think as he puts his left arm out. The star and lyrics are still there. "I got the 'Hi' removed. Not the star, it means the world to me. You, mean the world to me." He says quietly, placing his sweater on."You're single?" He asks after a few seconds. "Of course, trying to get over you isn't exactly easy Hazz-" He simply cuts you off, pulling you into a kiss. You respond and after a while you pull away. "Remind me why I ever let you go." He asks and you smile softly. "I was never gone." You mutter into his neck.

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